A Breath Of Fresh Air

A year ago, I was invited to a Glade event, where I received their Sense & Spray automatic air freshener. I loved it. So when they asked me to review their new product, I was keen. The other freshener does its job in the downstairs bathroom. But my two smelly boys need something in their bathroom.

Insert the new Glade Sense & Spray air freshener.

With a much cooler style, and new scents, it is both stylish & inconspicuous anywhere in your home. I must warn you though, the Hawaiian Breezes may cause you to dream of warmer locals. 🙂

*I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review. And I honestly do like this product!

Celebrate With Disney!

Meeting Mickey & Minnie at a “meet & greet” before the show.

Disney On Ice: Let’s Celebrate features familiar faces, and takes you to far away places. How else can you go to Carnaval with Mickey, Japan’s spring festival with Minnie, and end up in jumpin’ New Orleans with them both?!

While Princesses do not get my boys excited, they were certainly enthralled with Jack Skellington & his friends from Halloweentown hosting a party for the villains. Jack stole the show (hint to Disney- we want more Jack!) Other characters that my kids loved were the gang from Toy Story, Pinocchio, & Stitch.

We had some issues with obstructed view (tall people with kids who squirmed and sat on their knees), but were able to get that fixed for the 2nd act. If you have small(ish) kids, definitely opt for seats on an angle vs. floor seats..

The show runs at Pepsi Center until Sunday, December 12. Tickets are still available (contact TicketHorse at www.TicketHorse.com/DisneyOnIce, by calling 1.866.461.6556, or the Pepsi Center Box Office.), and start at $15. Parking will cost you $10.

If you want a case of Disney Fever, or you just want to be entertained, Mickey is waiting for you!

Disney Celebration

Let’s Celebrate!, the current Disney On Ice show is just a week away. It’s not too late to get your family some tickets! My two boys, (ages 3 & 5) loved the last show. Bright colors, familiar characters & tunes make it enjoyable for everyone.

Come celebrate your Un-birthday with the Mad Hatter, take your princesses & princes to the Royal Ball, and have a Halloween haunt with Disney villains.

Your ticket info again:
Tickets prices are
$75 (Front Row)
$42 (VIP)
*Service charges and handling fees may apply

Tickets are on sale through TicketHorse at www.TicketHorse.com/DisneyOnIce, by calling 1.866.461.6556 and at the Pepsi Center Box Office.

**Here’s what I can offer you:
Purchase a 4-pack of tickets for only $44 for weekday performances or receive $4 off weekend tickets
For either offer enter the code FFA4 at: www.TicketHorse.com/DisneyOnIce or call 1-866-461-6556

Weekday = Thurs 7pm, & Fri 11am performances. Minimum purchase of 4 tickets required for 4-pack; additional tickets
above 4 can be purchased at $11 each**

Please share with me who your favorite Disney character is. For me, it’s Mulan. Feisty warrior trying to find her place. Who is yours?

Disclosure: Feld Entertainment, Inc. generously provided me with 4 tickets for my family to attend Disney on Ice in exchange for this post.

Seeing Santa

Friday night, to get into the holiday spirit, we went to the Denver Zoo to check out Zoo Lights. Since we have been a few times in the past, we know to bundle up. I had hoped we would be able to see Santa, since the boys missed out on that last year. Lucky for us, the line wasn’t very long at all.

Once Elijah & Miles were done sharing with Santa what they wanted, we started to move on to allow the next kid in line to speak to the Man in Red. Elijah turned back and asked Santa, “Are you God’s helper?” Santa, paused and smiled, answering “yes, I am. Sometimes I’m even considered a Saint.”

Elijah shared with him, “I know that Christmas isn’t about getting, it’s about giving”.

Santa smiled bigger, saying, “yes, that’s why I give presents.”

Geoff & I were left feeling pretty proud of our little boy. 🙂


Before Elijah started Kindergarten, I knew he was going to bringing more stuff to school. And I didn’t want anything to get lost. Because I’m cheap and didn’t want to have to keep replacing his stuff. A friend clued Geoff into a local business that offered personalized name labels. He encouraged me to share the info with the Mile High Mamas, but before I could, they knew about it too.

Kidecals is a Boulder company offering fun name labels, wall decals, or if you really need it, allergy-alerting stickers.

I was pleased with the colorful design options, and of course you can get something custom made to your liking.
Here are the labels I ordered for the boys’ water bottles

I’ve hidden our phone number, it doesn’t need to be public

I’m thrilled with this product. The stickers are washable, and easily removed. I totally recommend them! And you should “like” them on Facebook. Hilary (the owner) advertises discounts on there!

*Disclaimer*- I paid for these labels myself. I really liked the product, and thought you’d want to know about them too.

Let’s Celebrate!

Disney On Ice is back!

We had a wonderful time with their show 100 Years Of Magic in March, and if you missed it, here’s your chance to see the new show.

The show runs Thursday, December 9 through Sunday, December 12, at Pepsi Center. Here is your ticket info:

Tickets prices are:
$75 (Front Row)
$42 (VIP)
*Service charges and handling fees may apply

Tickets are on sale through TicketHorse at www.TicketHorse.com/DisneyOnIce, by calling 1.866.461.6556 and at the Pepsi Center Box Office.

**Here’s what I can offer you:
Purchase a 4-pack of tickets for only $44 for weekday performances or receive $4 off weekend tickets
For either offer enter the code FFA4 at: www.TicketHorse.com/DisneyOnIce or call 1-866-461-6556

Weekday = Thurs 7pm, & Fri 11am performances. Minimum purchase of 4 tickets required for 4-pack; additional tickets
above 4 can be purchased at $11 each**

Disclosure: Feld Entertainment, Inc. generously provided me with 4 tickets for my family to attend Disney on Ice in exchange for this post.

The Water Bottle

After two years of using our stainless steel water bottles, we decided to get some for the boys. The trigger was our car trip up to Canada. I wanted them to be able to have water when they needed it. I got them each one from Target, which I regretted. Not that they were not any good, but I was not able to purchase a drinking nozzle for them. They still served their purpose, until I left them at my brother’s house, along with mine & Geoff’s. Before leaving Calgary, I decided we needed new ones, we couldn’t wait for them to arrive. We hit up a camping store in the mall, and upon Geoff’s recommendation, we bought 4 new Nathan Hydration stainless steel bottles for everyone.

Nathan’s stainless steel bottles for kids. Photo courtesy of Nathan Sports

This was going to work out great for Elijah, who would be bringing a water bottle to school. Except it didn’t work out so great. Day one of school, he lost the straw inside. Okay, he has backup. After two weeks, the nozzle broke off the lid.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

See the missing knob on the right side?

See the plastic knob wedged in the hole?

I went online to Nathan’s website to discover they don’t sell replacement lids. And I wasn’t thrilled about spending another $15 on a new bottle. I contacted them through their website. No response. A month later, sent another email. No response. Then I sent them a curt tweet. A week later, I hear from them, on twitter.

They said it sounds to them like it was a product fail, and they are sending us a new lid. Finally. Now I don’t have to steer people away from them.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m pretty brand loyal. If a product is good, I will hype it to everyone I meet. But if you or your customer service disappoint, I’ll be sure to tell people too.

So Nathan is back on my good side. 🙂

Seriously. Nathan Hydration water bottles are good, and it is unfortunate that Elijah got one with a bad lid. He has been using the lid from Miles’ bottle, since Miles doesn’t really need one for school. I’ll be much happier once the new lid arrives.

***Update*** Nathan sent us a whole new water bottle for Elijah. Thank you Nathan!

Kids Rock

The third weekend is October has meant it’s time for the Denver Marathon. When it was announced that this year would be the inaugural Rock N Roll Denver Marathon, I was excited. Geoff participated in a Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego (2005) and liked the feel of it. I knew if my friend Cristina was looking for another relay partner, I’d volunteer myself.

We asked Elijah if he’d like to run in the Kids Rock race, the day prior to the marathon. He seemed keen, and we put off signing him up. This worked to our advantage because Mile High Mamas offered free entry for the first 50 kids to use their code. Sweet!

Friday afternoon we drove downtown to pick up our race packets, and check out the fitness expo. My kids will go anywhere when people are handing out free snacks. Even better, my kids will return said snacks if they have too much sugar in them (that’s you Yakult.)

Elijah woke this morning with a croup-sounding cough, but had no other complaints. We decided to let him eat his breakfast and chill out before we would see if he would be up for running. He wanted to go, so we grabbed everything we needed and headed downtown.

Pre-race photo

We made our way to Civic Center Park, and found where we needed to wait for the Kindergarten division to start. I was nervous, because we had only 30 minutes from us parking to find the race start. I didn’t need to worry, when we got there at 9:20 for his 9:45 start, they were only finishing the 3rd graders. We still had 2nd & 1st to go through. Elijah made friends with another Kindie waiting to race, and eventually it was time for him to warm up with all the Kindergarteners. Miles & I found a spot to watch the half mile race, and waited anxiously for him to start. Daddy waited near the start line to encourage Elijah and then joined us once Elijah got going.

The start line

The home stretch

The finish line

It was exciting to cheer for my boy, and he worked hard. He was thrilled to receive his first medal, and fill up his goodie bag before joining us at the end of the corrals. Geoff said Elijah was sure to ask them if the stuff had sugar in it before taking it. 🙂 That’s my boy!

At the end of the corrals, his fans were there to greet him, Daddy, Mommy, Miles, Cristina & Eric.

It certainly was a good day for running. My kid rocks!

Elijah shows off his medal

October Flies By

Realized yesterday that I hadn’t blogged in weeks. And it’s not because I’ve been crazy busy, rather that life has been calm and relatively uneventful.

Miles & the bully update: haven’t seen the kid go near Miles since Miles stood up to him. I did scour Elijah’s school directory, and discovered the boy is in Kindergarten. Thanks to everyone who gave support and comments on the issue.

Miles & speech therapy: If you could pray for it to move along a little quicker, that would be great. Right now he’s only seeing the speech therapist twice a month, but obviously that is not going to cut it. His teacher Ms. Kim said I should expect to hear from the Child Find people around mid-November, to discuss the evaluations. We’re continuing to help him as best we can at home.

We’re off to Nick’s Garden Center today for a preschool field trip. Elijah has no school today so he’s crashing the field trip. Also on today’s agenda is to make some progress on Elijah’s costume.

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of losing Dad. I listened to 60s music and Motown. I still really miss him.

Now you are up to date.

Battles On The Playground

I really didn’t think that bullying was going to become an issue. Naive on my part, I’m sure. But to be able to witness it, and fight the urge to jump in to my kids defense has been hard.

We haven’t even really talked about it, or played through scenarios on how to handle it.

When Miles & I come to school to pick Elijah up, we always stay and play a little on the playground. There are two play structures, one for small kids and one for bigger kids. They are separated by a blacktop, so I can’t watch both areas at the same time. Which is okay, both boys want to be on the bigger play structure.

On Monday, an older boy, probably first grade, maybe second grade, saw Miles playing and confronted him. He mocked Miles’ t-shirt, called him a baby and laughed saying he wears diapers. Miles defended himself, but ultimately ran to Elijah to tell him what the boy said. Elijah proceeded to get in the kid’s face and say, “my brother is not a baby, he’s 3. He doesn’t wear diapers”. The kid blew him off, and I told Miles just ignore him, play somewhere else.

Wednesday afternoon, it was a repeat of Monday. He saw Miles, mocked his clothes, and called him a baby. This time, Miles gave him the evil eye and said “I hate you. You’re a meanie” The kid didn’t have a response, but he looked in Miles’ direction, Miles reminded him, I hate you. The boy retorted with “don’t call me a meanie. If I see you on this playground again and you say you hate me and I’m a meanie, I’m gonna tell your mom”.

The kid was called away, and I told Miles, if you don’t want to be near that kid, just move away, play somewhere else.

I can’t wrap my mind around why this boy is going out of his way to pick on Miles. I’m trying to walk the line between letting my kids fight their own battles, and being a helicopter mom.

I open it up to you dear readers, any advice you can give, any similar experiences, please share it with me.