Time To Read?

Believe it or not, I read a book this week. Where did I find the time? Any spare moment, or while I was breastfeeding, I had my nose planted in The Prestige (Christopher Priest). I enjoyed the movie, so thought I’d get the book out of the library. And there was no wait on it, so I finished it in 2 days. A good read, and different enough from the movie to leave me wondering how it would end in its last pages. Would it end as I thought? I almost held my breath, half expecting the writer to go the other way. Now Geoff is going to tackle it, aiming to read it on on vacation. A good beach book I think. 🙂

Studio 60 ended this week. I was very sad, mostly because I had not heard it was officially canceled, rather that it was simply not renewed. That left me hope NBC would get their crap together and order more episodes. Such a waste, the cast is awesome (from leads to supporting), and the writing got better as it drew to a close. Sigh, such is fickle tv.

We may get into a new show, Burn Notice on USA. Starring Jeffrey Donovan, it’s set in Miami, so you have to endure bikini shots like every 10 minutes. But he won me over in the USA-canceled Touching Evil (which I’m still mourning). You probably know him from Hitch, or the truly awful Blair Witch Project sequel. The pilot was pretty good, we’ll see how long it lasts.

We went to Cherry Creek today, and I ogled an iPhone. I didn’t touch, it would just hurt more to say goodbye.

I’ll close with a quote from Burn Notice.

Michael: Covert intelligence involves a lot of waiting around. Know what it’s like being a spy? Like sitting in your dentist’s reception area twenty-four hours a day. You read magazines, you sip coffee, and every so often, someone tries to kill you.


Today while I was walking back from the store, I saw a deer run across the street. This was just off the main road, sort of near the ravine. It was pretty wild to see.

A two year old girl was bitten by a fox in Denver. Sure am glad we solved our fox problem. But the question I wonder, is what was a two year old doing outside at night when the foxes are out? Who knows.

Of all the movies we had on tap to watch, we only got to one, The Prestige. Excellent. It was all I could think of last night, when I was trying to sleep. Replaying it in my mind, trying to see all the clues. Definitely merits another viewing. Geoff thought the ending could have been cut shorter, not so much revealed.

Amy & I took the kids to Washington Park yesterday. When we lived in Denver, Geoff and I would go there for walks around the lake, or Geoff would run and then meet up with Elijah and I for his cool down. The weather was awesome, it was nice and cool. And Elijah went down the twirly slide by himself for the first time.

I’ll close with a quote from The Prestige:

Robert Angier: I thought you said I’d have to get my hands dirty.
Cutter: Maybe someday you will; I just needed to know that you could

If You Can’t Stand The Heat…

On Top Chef it was said, if you can cook eggs, you can cook. I guess I’m no cook, since a few days ago, a recipe called for me to hard boil an egg, and I had no idea how to do that. Geoff was nice enough to remind me when he got home the answers to most kitchen questions can be found in the Joy Of Cooking. We don’t use it much for recipes, mostly for knowledge about stuff. I had totally forgotten I had that to turn to. It’s always fun to cook at altitude. (Lisa, I forgot to mention it, but he loved it. So I’ll probably use that recipe again. Thank you Rachael Ray)

This week’s Studio 60 was so good, and it made me disappointed to think after next week it may never see light again. It’s an awesome show! I was dying with the way they ended the episode, but I loved the Sports Night reference.

Had another couple good days with Elijah. I’ll have to look back on my blog and remember this once that shoe falls.

The wedding is in two weeks! I can hardly wait to see our friends, and see my family. I’ve been thinking if it turns out well, we may do this meet-up-and-rent-a-house-thing again. If the drive works out, we may take a drive down to New Mexico sometime.

I’ll close with a quote from Toy Story 2, it’s Elijah’s favorite movie. He likes Zurg.

Buzz Lightyear: Don’t worry, Woody. In just a few hours you’ll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot Schmoes.
Woody: They’re called “S’mores”, Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear: Yes, yes. Of course.

Good Boy

Yesterday was a great day (for the most part). Elijah was a good boy all day! It was such a rare treat to have him behave the whole day, with no fits, and excellent listening. Sigh. Couldn’t every day be like that?

In case you didn’t see it, Sunday night’s Family Guy had a scene that echoed my life WAY too much. All you moms will agree.

Sucks Eggs

I’m sick. And this totally sucks eggs.

It started out as a sore throat, then progressed into my whole body aching. I have a sporadic cough, and I’m taking Tylenol to get through the day. I am not sleeping well, so I feel rotten. Elijah has had a runny nose for 2 days, so needless to say, we didn’t make it to church this weekend.

Did a whole lot of resting, just trying to recoop. We watched The Good German, and it was alright. Being sick, I had a hard time following it at times, but it was visually appealing. The acting was good, and I have to agree with my movie critic, the ending left something to be desired.

We have a few more movies to watch in the coming days. Stranger Than Fiction, The Prestige, & The Departed. On tv, Top Chef has returned, and I was happy to read on Colicchio’s blog that the cast selected this year was nominated by chefs they know and respect. I still have the hope of eating at one of Tom Colicchio’s restaurants.

It’s very hot here. We’re in the 90s all week (that’s 30s for you Canucks)

Well, I’ll close with a quote from Wonder Boys.

James Leer: Now, that is a big trunk. It holds a tuba, a suitcase, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly.
Grady Tripp: That’s just what they used to say in the ads.

Good Times

Friday our good friends (and one set of the boys’ Godparents) Jen & Greg flew into town to see us. We did a trip to Pearl Street in Boulder, and we hung around talking. Geoff convinced Greg to be his dive buddy next month, and I convinced Jen & Greg to have a playdate with Elijah during Amy’s wedding. Yeah, it was a really hard sell. (That’s sarcasm)

The trip had to be fantastic for Jen. I’m going to post this here, in case you didn’t hear Jen singing it, or Cate bragging by proxy. Jen whopped my sorry but at crib. It’s true. We probably played 6 games, and I won once. I just couldn’t get cards to make points. She even skunked me. Twice. I’m still licking my wounds. Maybe it’s Colorado that weakens me. anyway, pictures from their visit are on Shutterfly, under Visiting Colorado.

25 Days until California! There is still a lot to be done before then, but I’m already super excited. Spending time with Dawn, Colin, Dylan & Ryan in Laguna Beach? Seeing our west coast friends? Does it get any better?

Nothing else to report. I’ll close with a quote from Zoolander.

Hansel: So I’m repelling down Mount Vesuvius when suddenly I slip, and I start to fall. Just falling, ahh ahh, I’ll never forget the terror. When suddenly I realize “Holy sh**, Hansel, haven’t you been smoking Peyote for six straight days, and couldn’t some of this maybe be in your head?”
Derek Zoolander: And?
Hansel: And it was. I was totally fine. I’ve never even been to Mount Vesuvius

Movie Review

Hollywoodland, is the story about the mystery surrounding George Reeves’ death. It has outstanding acting, from Ben Affleck, Adrien Brody & Diane Lane. I really felt Affleck’s performance. The film covers all the theories circulating about Reeves death, and so as such I feel like the ending leaves things unresolved. I suppose that’s better than picking one ending and upsetting people. I would venture to say if you liked L.A. Confidential, you’ll like this.

To read a much better review of the movie, here’s my favorite movie critic.

I don’t get out to the movies (I hope to get out this summer), so I wait to get the ones I wanted to see from the library. The next movie I’m close to getting is The Good German.