Alright, here it is. I’m giving up on NaBloPoMo’s theme for January.
I’d much rather post what I feel inspired by rather than being obligated to “bests”, and I’m struggling being held to a theme.
I am going to do my *best* to continue to post each day, because I know how you all will feel lost without my posts.
Hubby is making shepherd’s pie again for dinner. If you read my posts on Facebook, you’ll know that I was never a fan of the dish. But the last batch turned out pretty yummy, so we’re giving it another go.
Sometimes I struggle planning my meals, not wanting to grow bored or tired with having something too often. I map out all my meals on shopping day, and buy accordingly. A better way to shop might be to buy what’s on sale, and then plan meals around that. But if I’m craving gyros, I’ll buy gyro meat, regardless of the price. Well, maybe not regardless. I am after all part Scottish.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m still sick. The cough I hoped wouldn’t come, arrived on Friday. And I’ve been pretty sad ever since. Thank you Tylenol Cold for helping me make it through the day. Now if I could only sleep through the night…