What’s Goin’ On

Just a few little things to share:

Glen- I thought of you Tuesday night. The patient on House had the plague! I know how fond you are of that disease. It’s was gross!

On Top Chef this week- Miguel is gone. He wasn’t being assertive enough. Frankly after last week’s mix up of salt & sugar, I wasn’t surprised he got the boot. But it was almost Stephen! oooh, missed it by that much.

Mom To Mom wraps up next week with a brunch. I had a long talk today with Myrna (who is tight with leadership), and she asked me to give MTM another chance next year. She admitted this year was a lot of fluff, but that next year would be better. She also said she was planning on suggesting me to join the leadership team next year. I’m gonna pray about it. It meant a lot to me that Myrna thought I’d be a good addition to the leadership team. 🙂

My friend Kirsten (from MTM) wants to get together next week for coffee/lunch/whatever, since her mother-in-law will be in town and she needs to get away. Tomorrow, I’m meeting Temple at Peet’s (she’s also in my MTM group). She’s never been to Peet’s, and she likely won’t go much after that since she’s moving out to Evergreen (that’s 30-60 min outside of Denver, towards the mountains).

Kelly & Roman arrive tomorrow evening. They are staying at the Doubletree in Aurora. We are early risers (7am every day) and they aren’t so it’ll be more comfortable for them. But we’re going to get in good cousin bonding time.

I plowed through my first season of Ned & Stacey, and now I’m suffering because they haven’t released season 2 (there are only 2 seasons). Sigh. Well, I’m gonna close with a quote from it.

Amanda: “So, uh, what about you, you have a girlfriend?”
Bobby Van Lowe: “Oh–no. You try having a personal life working thirty hours a week, twenty-two weeks out of the year.”

Blah Blah Blah

Thought I’d do a real post.

Had a lovely Easter weekend. Geoff made turkey Saturday night. Sunday we went to church and Pastor Jim gave a super sermon. The music was so-so, I cried when we sang The Wondrous Cross, because I couldn’t help but think that Jesus died for all sin. He paid the penalty for my sin, and the sins of the world. And I cry for those I love who either walked away from God, or have never opened their heart to him. All I can do is pray for them.

I can hardly believe April is nearly gone. Geoff is gone next week, and two days after he gets back, we have the Cherry Creek Sneak. Then the following weekend he’s gone to a men’s retreat. Then it will be Mother’s Day. I feel like I’m losing all my weekends! 🙂 It’ll be okay, busy weekends can be good.

I have been having problems sleeping through the night. I wake up at midnight, and my mind is racing, and I can’t fall back asleep. I don’t even know why, it’s not even keeping me up with important stuff, just trivial crap. Last week I was up at 5:30am one morning, I couldn’t sleep, I felt sick to my stomach and annoyed at the same time. I had to type Geoff an email to get my thoughts out, since he was sleeping. I didn’t really get to resolve that issue, but we were able to talk about it, sort of. It was eerily like an episode of Friends.

“did you read my email?”
(long pause)
“So…what did you think?”
“I agree.”
(long pause)
“That’s it?”

I guess it’s true, there wasn’t much more to say, but I was glad he felt the way I did. But I hate not resolving things, I hate leaving them out there.

In tv land, I have 2 episodes of Scrubs on tape I still haven’t watched. Frankly, I enjoy watching House more. If I had a DVR, it would be different, but since the episodes are on VHS (ugh), I have to go up and watch it on the small tv, and rewind the tape (double ugh). I’m such a snob eh? I’m still watching Top Chef (on Bravo). I think in the end I hope Lee Anne wins. I just can’t wait for Stephen to “pack up his knives and go”. It’s a shame I know no one else watching it, so I have to discuss it with you guys, and you don’t know what I’m talking about. 🙂

I’m gonna close with a quote from Best In Show.

Sherri Ann Cabot: We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking and not talking. We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about.

iTunes Survey

Thanks Roland

How many songs? 5,582

Sort by song title (list first and last):

-II. Adagio Ma Non Tanto – Los Angeles Guitar Quartet (For Thy Pleasure)

Zombie Zoo – Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (Full Moon Fever)

Sort by time (first and last):

Interlude: Let’s Dance – Janet Jackson (Rhythm Nation 1814) 4 seconds

Blind Frail – Jars Of Clay (Jars Of Clay) 27:15

Top Twenty Most Played Songs:

1. The Real Sin Savior – ApologetiX (Keep The Change) (13)
2. Smile Like You Mean It – The Killers (Hot Fuss) (12)
3. (What A) Wonderful World – Sam Cooke (National Lampoon’s Animal House Soundtrack) (12)
4. Change Your Mind – Sister Hazel (Fortress) (12)
5. Light & Day/Reach For The Sun – The Polyphonic Spree (The Beginning Stages Of…) (11)
6. Trash Day – Weird Al Yankovic (Poodle Hat) (11)
7. Does Your Mother Know – ABBA (Gold) (10)
8. Thunderstruck – AC/DC (The Razors Edge) (10)
9. Everlong – Foo Fighters (The Colour And The Shape) (10)
10. Stacy’s Mom – Fountains Of Wayne (Welcome Interstate Managers) (10)
11. When You Say You Love Me – Josh Groban (Closer) (10)
12. Collide – Howie Day (Stop All The World Now) (10)
13. Get Down On It – Kool & The Gang (The Best Of Kool & The Gang) (10)
14. She Will Be Loved – Maroon 5 (Songs About Jane) (10)
15. The Way You Move – Outkast (Speakerboxx) (10)
16. Soul To Squeeze – Red Hot Chili Peppers (Greatest Hits) (10)
17. Banditos – Refreshments (Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy) (10)
18. At Long Last Love – Frank Sinatra (A Swingin’ Affair) (10)
19. Faded – SoulDecision (No One Does It Better) (10)
20. Mustang Sally – Los Lobos (Miss Congeniality Soundtrack) (9)

First song that comes up on shuffle?
Answer The Phone – Sugar Ray

Find “sex”, How many songs come up?: 15

Find “death”, How many songs come up?: 5

find “love”, How many songs come up?: 381

Go to your media player and put it on shuffle. Use the first 3 song titles that best answers the question:

What do you think of me?

Can’t Stand Losing You – The Police (aw that’s sweet)

You Got It – Roy Orbison (oh thank you)

You Make Loving fun – Fleetwood Mac (really?)

Do I have a happy life?

No More Sad Songs – Clay Aiken (yay!)

Don’t Get Around Much Anymore – Harry Connick Jr (shucks)

No Diggity – Blackstreet & Dr. Dre (no doubt)

What do my friends really think of me?

You’re The Inspiration- Chicago (wow)

Let Down – Radiohead (I hope not)

Hold Her Down – Toad The Wet Sprocket (yikes)

Do people secretly lust after me?

Don’t Be Cruel – Bobby Brown (ok)

Love Me, Love Me – Dean Martin (eep)

Thought I Died And Gone To Heaven – Bryan Adams (ha ha, I knew it!)

How can I make myself happy?

Staring At The Sun – U2 (doesn’t that hurt your eyes?)

Empty Me – Jeremy Camp (uh….)

Frozen Puck To The Head – Captain Tractor (ouch)

What should I do with my life?

Sinking Ships – Sloan (does that make me a pirate?)

Rocky Mountain Way – Joe Walsh (guess I’m in the right place)

Breathe – Collective Soul (can do)

Why must life be so full of pain?

Lost Puppies – Veggie Tales 🙁

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do – Neil Sedaka (tell me about it)

Fire – Pointer Sisters

Will I ever have children?

Call Me – Blondie (what’s that supposed to mean?!)

Bodies – Smashing Pumpkins (I think we’re heading in the right direction)

Straight Up – Brian Setzer Orchestra

Will I die happy?

King Of Glory – Third Day (sweet!)

The First Cut Is The Deepest – Rod Stewart (the first? How many will there be?)

If You Could Read My Mind – Gordon Lightfoot 😉

Can you give me some advice?

Shake A Toe – Raffi (ok)

Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Smile, Smile, Smile) – Dean Martin (I’ll try it)

Feed The Birds (Tuppence A Bag) – Julie Andrews (got it)

What do you think happiness is?

Honky Tonk Women – Rolling Stones (uh…ok)

Brian Wilson – Barenaked Ladies (he’s a pretty good songwriter)

Flying – Chris Isaak (I’m not keen on flying, but it’s faster than driving)

What’s your favorite fetish?

John In His Earth Suit – Feeding Like Butterflies 🙂

The Safety Dance – Men Without Hats (ha ha)

Next To You, Next To Me – Shenandoah 🙂

Melissa’s World

I am always amazed at how quickly a week can go by. I blinked and it was suddenly Thursday. Yesterday Nana and I took Elijah to the pool and had fun splashing around. It’s been wonderfully warm here, so everyone is getting out on the patio to soak up some rays (except Honey). While at Cherry Creek Mall this week, I thought I’d give Sam Goody (going out of business) one last look. Totally worth it! I was able to buy 2 DVDs, originally priced at $40/ea, for $25. What did I get? Newsradio Seasons 1 & 2, and Ned & Stacey Season 1. Whoo hoo!

Thursday night, Geoff and I finally watched The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. FANTASTIC! It was so captivating, I can’t wait to watch it again! Geoff thought it was apropos that we saw it before Easter. I just loved how the Christian themes were not lost in the mix. But it did make me sad for the lost ones in my life.

Not much else to say. Glen & Diane depart Sunday, and then on Friday I’ll get to see Kelly. The following Sunday Geoff leaves for the week to Monterey.

Oh yeah, we made a small change to the CA trip, we decided to fly instead of making the drive. Now that the dates are carved in stone, some of you will be getting an email with that info.

I guess I’ll close now with a quote from The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe.

Peter Pevensie: He said he knows the faun.
Susan Pevensie: He’s a beaver, he shouldn’t be saying anything!

Rocky Mountain High

Yesterday we drove up to Estes Park with Glen & Diane. It’s a lovely town that merits another exploration. We parked at the Visitor Center, and then headed towards Estes Lake. We saw the lake, took some pics, and then back down the trail to head into town. There is a riverwalk that allows you to view the shops from behind and see fish and chipmunks. We were recommended by some locals to eat lunch at Poppy’s, where we had a nice lunch. Following lunch we did some shopping, and headed back to the car. We drove up the road to the Stanley Hotel.

I’ve been wanting to see the Stanley Hotel ever since I saw The Shining. It’s a gorgeous, charming hotel that I hope to save enough pennies to stay at sometime. We grabbed some coffee drinks in the cafe there, and then drove home.

We’re having a wonderful visit, Elijah loves having Nana & Grampy to play with.

Miss Me?

Sorry I’ve been quiet on the blogging front, I’ve been hanging with my in-laws. Saturday they arrived, and we were off and running with Daddy & Elijah’s swim class, and grocery shopping. We spent some time out on our patio with our new patio furniture (I’ll try to post a pic soon). Sunday Geoff did his run, and the rest of us did an hour walk in Cherry Creek State Park. Today we went to Peet’s and Cherry Creek Mall. Tomorrow is Geoff’s birthday so we’ll go out to dinner. Wednesday we hope to take the trip to Estes Park.

Busy busy. I got my Mulan DVD in the mail today so we watched that tonight. So I’ll close with a quote from that.

Shang: I don’t need anyone causing trouble in my camp.
Mulan: Sorry…
Mulan: [in her ‘man’ voice] Uhh… I mean, uh, sorry you had to see that, but you know how it is when you get those, uh, manly urges, and you just gotta kill somethin’… fix things, uh, cook outdoors…

36% Girly

Take this quiz and find out how girly you are. (GUYS TOO) Put x’s beside each thing that’s true. Each x that you put is one percent. Have fun!!

[ ] my fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[1] during the summer pretty much the only shoes i wear are flip flops
[ ] my favorite toys as a child were Barbies
[ ] my favorite color is pink or purple
[2] i did gymnastics
[3] i love skirts!
[ ] hollister is one of my favorite places to shop
[ ] tight jeans are the only jeans i’ll wear
[4] i love chocolate
[ ] i’ve never had a real job
[ ] my hair is straightened
[ ] i have at least 8 myspace pictures
[ ] i usually go shopping once a week
[5] i love to hang out at the mall with friends
[6] i have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
[7] i’ve had at least 5 boyfriends/girfriends
[ ] i’ve gone to a tanning salon
[ ] i go to the beach to tan
[ ] i have at least 10 pairs of shoes
[ ] i watch either the OC or Laguna Beach
[ ] i change my icon weekly
[ ] i would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
[ ] my cell phone might as well become a part of me
[ ] i wear eye shadow, *mascara*, or cover up everyday
[ ] i’ve been or am on a diet
[ ] bathing suits are adorable!
[ ] i dont know the difference between a sheep and a goat.
[ ] big sunglasses are hott
[8] i have gotten my nails done
[ ] i own over 10 purses
[ ] MTV is my one of my favorite channels
[ ] all i want to do at sleepovers is talk about boys/girls
[9] i love to have other girls do my hair
[ ] i give and receive hugs from all my friends
[10] i hate bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders
[11] carnivals are so fun!!
[ ] summer is THE best season
[12] my swimsuit has 2 pieces
[ ] im waiting for my knight in shining armor
[13] musicians are so hot
[14] if you write me a poem or tell me i’m beautiful, i’m all yours
[15] i am self-conscious.
[ ] i cry often
[ ] my car smells like vanilla
[16] my dishes get washed more then once a week
[ ] i dont do sports
[ ] i HATE to run
[ ] i squeal when i am surprised or angry
[ ] i eat dried fruit as a snack
[ ] i love romance novels
[17] Drew Barrymore is so cute
[18] i dance a lot.
[ ] i usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
[ ] i only have like 5 billion hair products
[19] i love to get dressed up.
[ ] every part of my outfit needs to match-for the most part
[20] i talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
[21]i would love to have a photo shoot of myself
[ ] i apply lip gloss 200 times a day
[ ] i wish i were a model…if i had the right type of body
[ ] i wish i could meet Paris Hilton
[ ]i have been something that was semi slutty on halloween
[ ] i own Uggs
[ ] Hip Hop is the best music
[ ] i pop my collar
[ ] i like to be the center of attention
[22] guys with Mohawks are crazy
[ ] horses are beautiful but i would never ride one
[23] i’d rather not pay attention in school
[24] cats are adorable
[25] i write/have written poems or my own music
[26] i love it when a guy/girl wears good smelling cologne/perfume
[27] i can get very jealous
[28] i would love to visit Hawaii
[ ] Valentine’s day is so cute!
[ ] white is better then black
[ ] i wouldn’t be caught dead in all black
[ ] my closet is STOCKED FULL of clothes
[29] hate the grunge look of a beard
[ ] i love to read gossip magazines
[ ] i love to gossip
[ ] I had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid
[ ] i love Celine dion…
[ ] My bubble baths are 3 hr long
[ ] my wedding only needs a groom it’s already planned
[ ] my friends and i are in a strict group. we mostly only hang out with each other
[30] i like kids
[ ] Diet drinks are the best
[ ] i’m all about being vegetarian
[ ] refuse to eat at McDonalds
[31] i check my myspace everyday.
[32] i LOVE life!
[33] i have a lot of jewlery!
[34] claires has cheap jewlery
[ ] my screen names have x’s in them
[ ] either one of my my space names has <3's in them
[35] i would never want to be the opposite sex
[36] it’s not what he/she said it’s the way he/she said it
[ ]i have more than 3 pillows on my bed

Friday’s Random Ten

Thanks to Chris and Roland, I’ve been inspired to post something other than ten random songs. I’m gonna post the ten best concerts I’ve been to. (Not that I’ve been to a ton of concerts.) In no order of favorites or dates (since I wouldn’t remember dates. Actually I found a stash of ticket stubs in a box in my closet. But I can’t be bothered to put them in order).

Tragically Hip – House Of Blues Sunset Blvd (with Geoff)
Smashing Pumpkins – Edmonton Coliseum (with Geoff, Barry & Doug)
Barenaked Ladies/The Waltons – Jubilee Auditorium (with James Harrison)
Rolling Stones/Blues Traveller – Commonwealth Stadium (with Doug)
Collective Soul – Shaw Conference Centre (with Heather & Barry)
Blue Rodeo – Jubilee Auditorium (with Barry)
Our Lady Peace – Dinwoodie Lounge (with Geoff, Barry & Doug)
Captain Tractor – Churchill Square (with Susie, Meghan, Doug & Kirsty) (really I could have picked any time that I’ve seen CT)
Spirit Of The West – Winspear Centre (with Geoff)
Wide Mouth Mason/Matthew Good Band – Reds (with Geoff, Barry, Doug & Karen)

Honorable mentions go to… Whitney Houston (with my mom), and The Beach Boys (with my dad).

As you can see, I haven’t gone to many concerts since I left Edmonton. Mostly due to 2 factors:
1. money and
2. someone to go with.