Good Friday

Four years ago on Good Friday, Geoff & I were baptized in the Pacific Ocean. It was a day like today (rainy) but it was an experience I won’t forget. Surrounded by friends, we made the public declaration we were Christ followers.

Only appropriate to close with a scripture quote.

Luke 23:44-49

It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.

The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away. But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.


This was Geoff’s response to the news that John Woo will be doing a Metroid movie. I don’t think I’ve ever played Metroid before, but Geoff has glowing reviews of it.

I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt I saw someone from my past in a coffee shop, and we sat and talked outside my mom’s house. My mom says to me “why are you talking to that freak?” (my mom doesn’t usually call people freaks, but it’s my dream, so…) I sort of shrug. He somehow manages to win over my brother, which is amazing, since my brother never cared for him. I think if I pick one thing from the dream that sticks out, it’s that in my dream I’m kinda mad at this person for not acknowledging my dad’s death. Which is weird to me, because who cares? It’s times like this I seriously wonder about my mental health.

I made reference to Paul Bellows (of Splendourbog) in a previous post. He has a few solo albums, and I’ve been listening to his music on his website, and I really dig it. I’ll have to talk to the banker once we have free money so I can get the albums. I think he would be a good pair with Easily Amused. I miss Canadian music. Being able to see it. Here’s what’s a little weird. Great Big Sea is playing in the Denver area and tickets are $18 each. Five For Fighting tickets, $10. Wouldn’t you think GBS would be cheaper?

I’m pretty bummed about the fact we’re going to get snow this weekend. I was so ready to pack up my winter clothes.

Time to sign off. Toy Story quote coming up.

Woody: Look, we’re all very impressed with Andy’s new toy.

Buzz: Toy?

Woody: T-O-Y, toy.

Buzz: Excuse me, I think the word you’re searching for is “space ranger”.

Woody: The word I’m searching for, I can’t say, because there’s preschool toys present.

He’ll Be Coming Around The Mountain

Hee hee! Jason is coming this weekend! It was so nice to get the email from him. He’ll fly into Salt Lake City, then drive here (that’s an 8 hour drive). He & Geoff may go skiing if time allows. I hope it allows.

I’ve filled out my paperwork for the INS, and now I have an appt on Friday to get my photo & fingerprint taken. What a huge stress it is to make sure everything is done properly. If there is one small problem, I can get denied. I wonder if this is comparable to applying for a grant. I’m going to bring a list of questions to ask to be sure I didn’t miss a step.

It’s cloudy & rainy now, and we’re supposed to get snow this weekend. Joy.

I guess there isn’t much more to write. My mom got a promotion at work, and it comes with a raise in a few months. Meg left Carleton Cards for an office job. Perhaps this is a sign of a job boom in Edmonton. I sure hope so, I know people who could use a good job. It was Doug’s birthday yesterday, so we called to wish him a happy day. He seemed in good spirits, even after working a 13 hr day. All is well at the Herbert house. Seems that the Junos didn’t make much of an impression on Edmontonians. Chris blogged about it, as did Paul Bellows (of Splendourbog), and Mom & Doug said it was nothing special. I know some people who went, perhaps I can get an account from them. I don’t remember cool stuff like the Junos coming to town when I was there. 🙁

Well, that’s it from me. I’ll keep y’all posted on the INS/job. I’m closing with a quote from the The Tick (the animated version, that isn’t available on DVD yet).

Tick: It’s your turn now, Thorace-bog.

Thrakkorzog: It’s Thrakkorzog. Thrakkorzog. With a K.

Tick: We’re only serving humble pie, Whatchamazog.

Thrakkorzog: For the last time, it’s…

Tick: Thorax-and-a-bog. Four-yacks-and-a-dog.

Thrakkorzog: No.

Tick: Ah, laxative-log.

Thrakkorzog: No, no, no.

Tick: Sapsucker-frog.

Thrakkorzog: Thrakkorzog.

Tick: Susan?

Thrakkorzog: Now you’re doing it on purpose. How juvenile.


Sunday (4/11) is Geoff’s birthday. He’ll be joining the 27 club. I think he’s excited, I know I am anxious to see what he thinks of his gifts. I’m taking him out for breakfast on Saturday, and Sunday morning we’ll go to church (duh! It’s Easter!). He’s requested I duplicate the yummy chocolate cake, so I’ll have to tackle it again.

In a huge surprise, I was sort-of offered a summer job at the museum, working as Assistant Collections Manager. Rich, the current ACM is going to Peru for the summer, so I’d take over while he’s away. It’s very exciting that Jeff thought I was up for it. It came with some very kind words about my work these past months. So I go through the hoops for the INS, and hope they say yes, and more importantly that they say yes quickly. I doubt many of you who read this blog are aware of some trouble the INS got into a few years ago. Someone took it upon themselves to destroy applications people had sent in. Thankfully mine was not, I sent mine in months before the crazy person started wrecking havoc.

I finished reading L.A. Confidential. It was not like the movie. The movie wasn’t as dark, and the movie would have been too long if they had put in the whole book. I don’t read many crime novels (I can’t think of any I’ve read), so it was a change from what I’m used to. But it was pretty good. I did wonder how it would end, who the guilty parties would be. Then Saturday night, we watched the movie. It was weird to see it this time around, as the characters are so different. If anyone else has read the book & seen the movie, I’d love to hear their thoughts.

That’s about it. Geoff says he can’t believe how quickly his conference is coming up. I’ve made plans to make plans with Fiona & Robin. Nothing else going on. All I have planned for this week is the get that stuff off to the INS.

Only fitting to close with a quote from L.A. Confidential.

Sid Hudgens: [voiceover] Come to Los Angeles! The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. There are jobs aplenty, and land is cheap. Every working man can have his own house, and inside every house, a happy, all-American family. You can have all this, and who knows… you could even be discovered, become a movie star… or at least see one. Life is good in Los Angeles… it’s paradise on Earth.” Ha ha ha ha. That’s what they tell you, anyway.

Tv News

Thanks to Chris for letting me know Wonderfalls has been cancelled. I’m not too surprised, it doesn’t look well when after the first episode, the Executive Producer Tim Minear sends out emails pleading with people to tune in. And this Fox after all. The people who took away Harsh Realm, Lone Gunmen, and Titus.

On a lighter note, Scrubs has been renewed! Also, at the end of Monk they said new episodes would air in June. While USA has not officially announced it’s renewal, they’d be nuts to not pick it up again.

As for the Save Angel campaign, I have heard nothing on whether or not it has swayed anyone. I like it’s spunkiness to keep at tv execs to pick it up for another season.

I’ll close with a quote from Wonderfalls (the episode Wound Up Penguins).

Darrin: Your mother and I are tickled to death that you’ve turned to the Lord for guidance, sweetheart. We just .. think it should be our Lord ..

So Be It

I always feel dorky when I watch Christian Slater movies. Like, I’m 27, and I should be past watching his movies. I know Geoff dreams of the day I get past it. I watched Pump Up The Volume today. I remember my first day of training at KUCI, Barry told us it wouldn’t be like Pump Up The Volume. But I like that movie, I like Heathers, Kuffs, Untamed Heart, and the best movie he did…The Name Of The Rose. Ah, the movie that is so good, and I know so few people who have seen it. I could count on one hand, the people I know who have seen it. It’s hard to find, it hasn’t been released on DVD, and who knows if it ever will be. But back to the point, why do I feel dorky? Is it because I feel like I’m transported back to when I was a teenager, and smitten with him? Or remembering the first time I saw these movies? Am I the only person who feels like this?

Heather & I were talking about music the other day, about the power songs can have over you. It reminds me of a line from a song, “the four right chords can make me cry”. We were chatting about songs we used to like, but can’t listen to because it reminds us of someone, or someplace. Whenever I listen to Sarah McLachlan’s Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, I think of Kyle Andrews (whom Geoff does a very funny impression of). Kyle & I listened to that album a lot the few weeks we dated. I can listen to that album still, as it didn’t end so bad with Kyle (from my perspective). But other friendships or relationships make some songs hard to deal with.

So some movies have attachments, though Geoff has informed me once you get married, all movies become your’s & your significant other’s. So I adopt Rudy, and he adopts Streets Of Fire. Ha ha ha! But by attachments I mean when I think of some movies, I remember who I saw them with. For example- She’s All That (Heather), Clara’s Heart (Dawn), The Mask (Alex), Forget Paris (Geoff). After Geoff and I had been dating for a while, I made a list of movies I like that I wanted him to see. We’d go to the video store and try to rent them. I’m pretty sure I threw the list out a few years ago, but I think he’s pretty much seen all the movies.

I watched Wonderfalls last night, and Geoff didn’t really care for it. So, it will likely turn into a Dawson’s Creek thing, where I tape it and watch it later. I’m hoping he’ll be open to Touching Evil tonight after dinner.

Alright, I’m heading to the Bull & Bush. Closing with a quote from Pump Up The Volume.

Mark Hunter: I’m dedicating this unusual song to an unusual person who makes me feel kind of… unusual.

New TV & Reading

So, with the demise of some of my favorite television shows, I’ve taken to trying to replace them with new ones. First off, I watched Wonderfalls, which I heard was pretty good. It’s not too bad. I enjoyed the episode, but whether Fox realizes what it has remains to be seen. Fox has this annoying habit of getting rid of shows I like. I also checked out Touching Evil. I really liked this show, and it will be a good pair with Monk on Friday nights. The title sucks, but it’s worth checking out. And of course This Just In.

I picked up two books at the library this week. One I’ve read before Very Far Away From Anywhere Else (Ursula K. LeGuin), and a book that was made into one of my favorite movies L.A. Confidential (James Ellroy). The weather has been very kind this week, and I may tote my book to Peet’s for a change of scenery. Geoff figures they should give me Peet’s wear for free to promote business. I totally think so! They sell an orange baseball hat on their website that I like. 🙂

Speaking of promoting… The good guys of Splendourbog have a website up! It was up for a while, then disappeared. But it contained an email, so I dropped them one. I mentioned that I had bought Meghan a Splendourbog shirt years ago, but never got one for myself. Do they still have them? Indeed! So, I’m getting one for myself! Hee hee! All you who don’t own the wonderful album Elevator Music, go out and get it! You won’t be sorry. 🙂 I was singing Gospel Rock today at work, as I had to catalogue a piece of gneiss. And how did I know how to spell it? Splendourbog of course! Jeff thought the chorus was hysterical!

Thank you to Diane & Athena for emailing me after my outcry for mail. And to Shannon for her thoughts on Jesus Freaks. I love you loyal readers!

I’m going to close with a quote from Michael.

Michael: Remember what John and Paul said.

Frank Quinlan: The apostles?

Michael: No, the Beatles. All you need is love.