Snow Snow Go Away

A change in the weather schedule, now “round 4” as the meteorologists are calling it, is coming on Thursday, instead of Friday. What a nice birthday present from Mother Nature. They think it might be the end of them for a while. Let’s hope so, I mean 4 storms in 4 weeks, it’s ridiculous.

We got out on Saturday and did grocery shopping and a trip to Home Depot. Then we spent the rest of the day hanging around the house, and feeling bummed out about the next storm. It just puts a damper on the weekends. We cancelled our date, and we’ll reschedule it for a later time. We still spent time together though. Sunday after church we went to the pool to play. It must have been good exercise, because my muscles hurt today.

Just for fun, I started a registry at Crate & Barrel. I thought what the hey! It’s our tenth anniversary next month, and it’ll be good come Christmas time too. I love wishlists, what can I say?

In tv land…House finally returns this week. Yay! I’ve been watching Top Chef and this last week, it took a turn for the interesting. People I liked before, I certainly don’t think much of now. I thought it was so childish for all of them to gang up on Marcel, even if he can be annoying.I’m closing with the best line from the epsiode.

“If I was a trout, maybe I’d envy a salmon”. -Michael (Top Chef)

January Birthdays

To save me the trouble of remembering on specific days (since I have trouble enough remembering what day it is), I’m sending out birthday wishes to all January birthdays.

Ashley, Diane, Andrew, Meg, Glen, Rod, Roman & Me!

May 2007 be a great year for all!

Early Birthday Gifts

Last year I spent the weekend after my birthday in sunny California. This year, California is coming to me. Lexi is coming here the day after my birthday! Pretty cool birthday gift huh? I’m very excited, she’ll be staying for the long weekend.

Ali, Lexi & I, Last January

My other early birthday gift came from my press connections, the new episode of Psych, which doesn’t air until the 19th! I can’t wait to watch it.

I’m mostly adjusting to being back in the snow. I hate it though. I want it to melt faster.

I’ll get the pictures from the wedding up today, but I’m not in any of them. Silly girl I am, I didn’t take any of me. But I emailed those who did take pictures of me, so hopefully I can get those for you to see. Just take my word that I looked good.

Not much else is going on. I’m nearly done writing all the Christmas thank you notes. I bought Gin Blossoms’ new album Major Lodge Victory with my iTunes gift card I got in my stocking. I like it. You would like it too, if you are a fan of the Gin Blossoms. Geoff and I may finally go on another date (a movie!) this weekend. Just need to check with Amy.

I’ll close with a quote from Wayne’s World.

Garth Algar: Sometimes I wish I could boldly go where no man has gone before… but I’ll probably stay in Aurora.

California Recap

The happy couple Becky & Erik

I had a wonderful trip to CA. Short and sweet. Got in okay, and we headed right to In-N-Out. For dinner that night, Ashley, Chris, Lexi, Alyssa, Alec, Abbie and I went to Cafe Chin Chin. I tried the Kung Pao Chicken and water chestnuts (both for the first time). Very tasty.

Friday I spent helping get stuff ready for the wedding, then had some time to change and get ready before I was back at the church doing last minute things. The ceremony was lovely, and then I tried to help the guests find their seating for the reception. The food was delicious. They had a chocolate fountain with your choice of oreos, marshmellows, or rice krispie squares. Excellent choices! There was also fruit and a Martinelli’s fountain. And, what I thought was even cooler, was the coffee bar. There was always a line there. Their DJ was amazing, I hope Amy & Brody can get him. The dance was a lot of fun, and I sure was pooped by the end of the night. I was happy that I could take advantage of the money dance and get one on one time with Erik.

Saturday I took Cindy, Alyssa, Alec, & Abbie to McDonald’s for breakfast on our way to help take down the wedding. What we thought would only take an hour or so, turned out to be more. Eventually we finished, and Cindy and I went out to lunch at Mustard’s (the yummy Panini place). I had a salad, because I needed to get something healthy to eat. 🙂 We returned to the house and I was surprised to see some of my friends at my baby shower! I got some wonderful gifts, including a handmade quilt from Godmother Cate and a double stroller from the Kroliks!

Saturday night we just hung around the house mostly. I did take a trip to Trader Joes (oh how I miss TJ’s) to get Geoff a treat and a little something for my father-in-law’s birthday.

Sunday I went to church with Cate & Kaisara, then we took a trip to the new Peet’s store that opened up. It was lovely to be able to sit outside and drink coffee. We met Jen at In-N-Out for lunch, and then more time outside playing crib. The trip to the airport went smoothly. My flight ended up being delayed by 45 minutes, but I had no problems making my connection. I was so happy once I got to Denver, only to be upset when I found out my shuttle I booked wasn’t going to take me home. I called Geoff, and he & Elijah came and got me. No worries, the roads were in fine shape. I am taking partial credit for that. Geoff thinks the call I made to the county about our street was the reason it got plowed. Lesson to learn…don’t upset a pregnant lady.

So that was my trip. I sure miss everyone, and I am looking forward to Lexi’s visit. Please pray it all comes together and she can get here in 2 weeks.

Happy New Year!

Just a quick note, to let you know I got home safely from CA. I’ll post later, I’m tired, and I want to try to nap while Elijah naps.

2007 is sure to be a wonderful year for us, and for many people I know. I look forward to all the good surprises it will hold. 🙂