The Right Four Chords Can Make Me Cry

I have always loved that lyric, I think it sums me up nicely. Music is always able to provoke me, in good ways, in and bad ways. There’s always some tune playing in my head all the time, or I’m singing something.

I’ve been listening to Paul Bellows’ album Juliet Pauses. It’s a great album (available on iTunes!), I only wish I’d had it when I had my show on KUCI. I emailed Paul to let him know how much I am enjoying the album, and he said thanks, and he’s going to try to send me a Splendourbog t-shirt. I bought one for Meg years ago, and always wished I had gotten one for myself. Now I might. 🙂

I got a cd of the pictures Athena took at the baby shower, along with some printed ones. (Thanks Athena!) I’m going to Jayla’s on Saturday to scrapbook for a bit, and I am hoping to stop in at Hallmark on the way there (Ornament Premiere). Dave & Jayla are selling their house. It’s not the house for us, no dining room. And that’s important to me. But it’s a gorgeous home.

We met with the bank yesterday, and we’re in a good position to buy a house/condo. We need to get some stuff put together, but maybe in August we’ll be ready to get serious about looking. So we’re fairly certain we won’t be in this apartment much longer. If we can’t get a house right away, we’ll still move into a bigger apartment to save our pennies. I’m excited about the idea of spending Christmas in a new place.

Well, I want to get out for a walk before it gets too hot. I’ll close with a quote from Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey.

Dead Bill: Ted, you know, if I die, you can have my Megadeth collection.
Dead Ted: But dude, we are already dead.
Dead Bill: Oh. Well then they’re yours, dude.

What Country Are You?

You’re Sweden!

After years of trying to rule the world around you, you’ve
finally put aside violence in favor of advocating peaceful resolution.  There’s
still a little Viking in you, but mostly you like Nobel Prize winners and long
nights by the fire.  And safe cars.  You always read the safety manual
in airplanes, and you’re just a little cold.

Take the Country
at the Blue Pyramid

You Know When

You know your church is cool when they play Lynyrd Skynyrd during a service. We welcomed a new Youth Director from Alabama today, so the worship team wanted them to feel at home. So they played the chorus from Sweet Home Alabama. It made for a great ending to service.

Geoff worked all weekend, thankfully not all day though. We spent some time talking about our living arrangements, and I’m hoping we can make it to the bank this week to talk to them about our options. Geoff definitely wants to leave this place in a few months. The big reason is we can’t safety proof our kitchen, and Elijah will be crawling eventually. So do we maybe move into a bigger, nicer apartment for a year to save up for a good sized down payment on a condo? Again, we need to talk to the bank. But we have some condos in mind that we like, they’re just priced in the high $280-300. Yikes!

So Geoff says probability is high that I’ll be able to go up To Edmonton in January for my cousin’s reception. Whoo-hoo. It will be just me & Elijah, and hopefully I can rent a car for mobility.

It’s still really hot, and dinner is nearly ready. So I’ll sign off and close with a quote from Dirty Work.

Dr. Farthing: I know there’s nobody to blame for this but myself, well, I don’t know, maybe the Buffalo Bills, the Boston Red Sox, Mr. T. or the Jets…
Mitch: Wait a minute, Mr T.? Are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky III, and that you bet against Rocky?
Dr. Farthing: Hindsight is twenty-twenty, my friend.

Big Big Big

If you aren’t reading Geoff’s blog today is a good day to start. Big news for the Armstrongs (the ones south of the 49th parallel). Go on, go read his blog, then come back here. I’ll wait.

Back already? So you’ve heard the news. Exciting huh? I don’t think it’s quite sunk in for me yet. Perhaps in a few months. So what does this mean? Well we’ll be switching visas, to one that
A) won’t let me work and
B) will allow us to start the green card journey.

It takes, at most, 6 years for the green card process. Hopefully it won’t take that long. Once the green card comes through, then I can work again. I don’t know much more than that about it. But as I learn more, so will you.

We’ve already found a realtor (Geoff’s co-worker) so I guess we can start looking for a more permanent place in the next few months. We’ll see what we can afford, and go from there. I would really like to stay in this area. It has Elijah’s pediatrician, Peet’s, a grocery store. The essentials. I suppose since we’d like to be in that place at least 5 years, and we’d like more children, we will try to find a 3 bedroom. Just the thought of our own washer & dryer… ah. 🙂

Alright, I’m signing off now and closing with a quote from UHF.

R.J. Fletcher: This is an embarrassment. A disgrace. What do you think R.J. Fletcher Senior would be saying if he were alive today?
Richard Fletcher: “Help me out of this box, I can’t breathe in here. Help, let me out.”

Same Old

Nothing much going on here. Elijah is getting over being sick, and I’m just trying to stay cool in the heat. We watched Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events and it was pretty good. Okay so it’s not exactly like the books, but the tone, the sets, and the acting were great. I’m anxiously awaiting the next book, due out October 18 (I think).

In museum news, Jeff left Education Collections and became the collections manager for zoology. What does that mean for our department? Well they are trying to fill his spot, but he’ll try to oversee it until then. Like he wasn’t busy enough before. Mary wants me to consider it, but I can’t. My permission to work has lapsed (I’d have to reapply), and we might be switching visas which means I wouldn’t have the option to work. Rich is off in Peru, so I don’t know if he’s considering the position. I haven’t been back to volunteer yet since Elijah was born, and I don’t know when I’ll get back. I may look at doing Saturdays, but that will have to be discussed with Geoff. I did sign up for Mom To Mom at my church, which will be Thursday mornings. A chance to be with other Christian moms and Elijah will be in childcare there.

Well I’ll be signing off and taking advantage of a sleeping baby. I’ll close with a quote from Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

Uncle Monty: Now, the children will be helping us extensively with the research in Peru. Do you have any experience with children?
Count Olaf: [in disguise as Stephano] Children are strange and foreign to me. I never really was one. I do know that they are an important part of the ecosystem.