Joke Of The Day

When I was younger, there was a joke I heard once, that I have always found to be humorous.

What’s the difference between a bra and the Calgary Flames?

A bra has two cups, the Flames only have one.

I really hope the joke doesn’t become obsolete. Calgary can not win the Stanley Cup. Isn’t there enough wrong with the world?


Cajole Me

It’s still raining. I can’t complain, we need the moisture, and I have nowhere to go. I did walk to my libraries, put down the umbrella and enjoyed the kind of rain where there is no wind. My favorite.

I had the impulse to call my dad yesterday, or this morning. I don’t remember. It was a fleeting thought. For those who have lost someone, do you get caught up in playing the “this is what they would have wanted” game? I try my damnedest not to play. And I try even harder not to get mad at those who do. Most of the time, they are playing for selfish reasons. To justify the way they behave. But I hope there are times when you can say it and it would be true. Whether it is cutting ties, or spending money, or moving on, there has to be times when it is indeed what they would have wanted. My wounds are still fresh, so I guess I’m sensitive. I just really miss my dad.

On a lighter note, I had a thought cross my mind while I was out walking. My iPod played Coax Me (sloan), and I recalled the first time I heard Sloan was on Street Cents. Okay here’s the thought that crossed my mind. And you are going to laugh, because I’m sharing a very embarrassing secret…I had a crush on Jonathan Torrens. Y’know, as in Jonovision? I’m blushing from embarrassment right now. But it made me smile, and laugh to myself. Obviously my taste has improved ten fold since then, no offense to Jono. 🙂

I’m going to close with a quote from The Mexican.

Samantha: I have to ask you a question. It’s a good one so think about it. If two people love each other, but they just can’t seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?

Jerry: Never.

Rainy Days

It’s raining again. Work today was a hoot. It was just me, Rich, Tracey & Jen. We took a leisurely coffee break, since there was so little work to do. Rich was surprised to learn that I was up for his job. He confided his biggest fear is he’ll be replaced. I assured him, I was only looking for a summer job.

I had to rush out of work today. I called the doctor’s office, and they said they could fit me in, if I was there by 11:20. If I was ten minutes late, they couldn’t guarantee I’d get in. I look at my watch, it’s 11:00am. So I race out of the building, and I go there at exactly 11:20! I felt pretty good about the new doctor. Actually I saw a resident, and I really liked her. I kept thinking about Scrubs (because J.D, Elliot, and Turk are residents). I get to have an ultrasound. I haven’t had one since I was 15. This is what I remember, I drank a lot of water, I thought I was going to die. They let me get rid of some because I had actually drank too much. And the jelly was warm, and the device was cold. So I have to wait to hear from them about when I can get in for my ultrasound.

I did not sleep well last night. And I deliberately didn’t nap so as to sleep better. Today again I skipped napping, maybe I’ll do better.

I watched Malibu’s Most Wanted yesterday. It was pretty funny, I like Jamie Kennedy. I wouldn’t pay to see it, but it was a free rent from the library. If they showed it on tv, it would be alright to watch on a rainy afternoon. Today’s rainy afternoon, I watched Runaway Jury. I’m very fond of John Cusack. It was good. I don’t think I’d read the book. I don’t mind John Grisham, I know Dawn really likes him. I’ve read some of his stuff, I’ve seen a few of his book inspired movies. This was a good one.

I guess I’ll close out with a quote from Malibu’s Most Wanted.

Brad Gluckman: I got sumtin’ to say, and I need the world to hear it. I’m a lyricologist. I can rap about anything. Shrink, shrink. Blinkity-blink. Tried to make me think. Wanna go to my sink. And vomit. Clean it up wit’ Comet. Earth is my plah-net. See? I’m the shiznit.

Yet Again With The Random Button Fun

1. Open your MP3 player

2. Put all your music on random play

3. Write down the first fifteen, no matter how embarrassing.

Into The Fire Sarah McLachlan

Bring Me Some Water Melissa Etheridge

You’re The First, The Last, My Everything Barry White

Walk Away Bree Sharp

This Time Tomorrow Captain Tractor

Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch Weird Al Yankovic

Bonny Bog Dunmorgan The Splendourbog

Brilliant Disguise Bruce Springsteen

The Flame Cheap Trick

Rain King Counting Crows

The Best Tina Turner

King Of Wishful Thinking Go West

Romantic Karyn White

Invisible Clay Aiken

White Flag Dido

Sleepless In Denver

Yesterday I had a nap for nearly 2 hours, and I paid for it last night. I couldn’t fall asleep, I tossed and turned for hours. I woke up frequently. My mind was racing as I tried to fall asleep, thinking any weird thought that popped into my mind. I can’t recall all it, but I remember that I was reliving some nightmare. I have a recurring nightmare. I have it at least once a year. You’re going to think it’s funny (or really scary), but I have the dream that I’m still in high school. Or I dream that I never finished. I think that’s part of the reason for hanging up my diploma, it’s proof that it’s been done. To some people maybe that’s not a nightmare, but to me it is.

Don’t get me wrong, there are parts of high school I enjoyed, but mostly it was… you know… high school. I wasn’t much of a joiner, Drama being the exception. I had a few different circles I hung out with. I disliked almost all of my classes.

Okay, I’m compelled to share more about this. In 9th grade we get to choose where we want to go to high school. Nearly everyone in my school were headed to Page, but I didn’t want to go there. I wanted either Vic, or Scona. But Vic was too far away, and my friends Mandy & Marc were going to Scona. My mom wasn’t keen on that, so I settled on Harry Ainlay. I don’t entirely know why. I had one friend going there, Lisa. Three weeks into September, my dad took Colin & I to Nevada, which would turn out to be the trip from hell. By the time I got back (3 weeks later), I was so far behind in school work and making friends. No one knew me, not even the teachers. I didn’t recover scholastically. But I did manage to make some friends (Cynthia, Adam, & Eddy). At the end of 10th grade, I had 21 credits. This will mean nothing to my Yankee readers, just go with it. The reasoning for only 21 credits? I never went to class and spent way too much time with my boyfriend. My mom decided I needed to switch schools, to where she knew the principal, McNally. I got to make friends all over again! I met up with an ex-boyfriend of a friend from H.A.(Nathan), and hung out with him and his friends. That’s how I got hooked up with Young Life, and where I learned to play Bridge. 11th grade went better, 12th grade was a disaster (skipping classes again), and I got to watch all my friends graduate, while I did not. I had to go back. To make a long story short (too late) I did eventually graduate. But because I made such a mess of my high school years, I have nightmares that I never finished. That I’m still stuck there. You’d think this would make me not want to go to a high school reunion, but it doesn’t. I would love to see what became of former classmates. (James says one of our classmates came out of the closet!) I guess because I’m so different from the person I used to be, I’m open to going back.

I left out all lot of the gory details of those years, because who wants to read that?! Was there a point to all of this? Oh yeah, I was thinking about high school last night while I was trying to sleep. I nearly got out of bed to touch my diploma to be sure it was still there. I was thinking about the day I left for Malibu (Young Life Camp). A bunch of my friends came at 6am to say goodbye. They gave me a gift, which I still have buried in a box. It was a pendant for a necklace with my initials on it. The trip was a pretty good time. I bonded with some people, I learned that I have a fear of water-skiing. When I got motion sickness on the bus ride back, Gary let me sleep on his shoulder. When I would wake up, we would sing Weird Al together. The night I got back, my mom ordered KFC for dinner. I still remember how good it smelled. I can still see it on my plate if I close my eyes.

Okay, I really should move onto something else. Um… there were tornados last night. Not here, but in Elbert County. The weather was odd yesterday, but I didn’t see the signs. Hey, it’s been a while since I lived in tornado country. Our Irvine trip is almost turning into an Edmonton-type thing. Meaning, I am booking up my meal times. 🙂 I have dinner plans for the Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday lunch. And I still haven’t emailed some people yet. I joked with Geoff that I was going to spend everyday at the beach. Sigh, Laguna Beach.

I called my doctor to ask about a prescription he gave me a few months ago, only to find out he’s not doing the patient thing anymore. He’s only teaching (health reasons). So now I get to go through the trouble of getting to know a new doctor. What a pain in butt. But what can you do?

I’m having fun this week finding out that Chris knows the same people I know. It’s always neat when that happens. I am also amused to see how people are finding my blog. I get a lot from people googling “perogy statue”. And a few of people I think who are specifically looking for me (they google Melissius).

I’ve been stewing on making my next Top Five “debut albums”, but I’m not sure if that includes EP’s. I wouldn’t count demos, but EP’s? Any thoughts? Also, I feel like I should make a separate list for Canadian bands. Otherwise Canadians would dominate the list. Not that that’s a bad thing.

I have to say how very very very disappointed I am that they cast Nicole Kidman as Ulla in the remake of The Producers. She is no Ulla. She could never be Ulla. Man, that movie is going suck because they cast her as Ulla! They do have the Roger DeBris (played splendidly by Gary Beach) whom I saw in L.A. and was also in the Broadway version. But Nicole Kidman?!

Alright, I should sign off, get dressed and go to the library. I rented a really cheesy movie to watch (Streets Of Fire). Geoff, I can hear you rolling your eyes. 🙂 Hey, it has a pretty good soundtrack. And I freely admit it is cheesy. I’m closing with a quote from Kissing A Fool.

Max Abbitt: This is not a toothpick, okay? It’s an Australian chewing stick. See, I know other countries in Europe!

Keeping Myself Amused

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.

We did all our grocery shopping on Friday night, so it left Saturday completely open. We drove to Washington Park, and walked around the lake, then around the whole park. There were a lot of ducks (it was better than the last duck incident Mom. None of them tried to attack me), and tons of beautiful homes, some were even for sale. We figured we walked about 3 miles. Then a lazy afternoon of sitting. Geoff voted to watch Return To Me last night. It has some very funny moments in it.

Skipped church this morning. Frankly, I just didn’t want to be somewhere where the focus is children or people who are expecting them. I get enough of it every week anyways. Regular Sunday stuff, we cleaned the house. I watched While You Were Sleeping, cause I was in the mood for a romantic comedy, and I love Sandra Bullock & Bill Pullman. Geoff even sat and watched a bit of it, making sure to reference other movies the actors had been in. 🙂

Jeff is going to NY this week, so he’ll be at the museum on Monday but not Wednesday. I really hope Marty & Jen will be there on Wednesday, because it isn’t the same without them. Last week, I had seniority, and they were all nervous when I was late. I tried to assure Tracey and Erik that they’ve been there long enough (2 months), and that they should be more confident of their talents. I think Tracey felt better about it in the end, but I’m not sure about Erik. He’s the most talkative guy I’ve ever met, and he’s super friendly so he makes it a fun environment. When Geoff met Rich & Jeff at the picnic, he said he pictured them differently. He pictured Jeff to be more like Rich, and vice versa.

The weather is still really really hot, and we are suppose to get a reprieve on Wednesday. I’d love it if it could rain at night, cooling everything off.

I started to read Out Of The Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis), which I bought Geoff for his birthday. It’s a space trilogy, and he’s on book two. We bought books two & three a few weeks ago. It’s moving pretty fast, and it’s really good. I am curious where it is going to go.

My friends Rod & Diana Longenberger are on a cruise right now. They left April 15, and they don’t get back until July. Rod is sending me emails & pictures every other day. It sounds amazing. I’ll try to put up a picture. The last email I got they were in Tuscany, and the day before I think it was Corsica. Rod & Diana are retired from the IRS, so they get to travel a lot. Rod hopes to come visit in November, and we decided we’d check out The Fort, which serves beef, buffalo, and other game. Rod’s been there before, he says it’s pretty good. I dunno, the thought of eating buffalo…

We bought a puzzle today. We thought it might be something fun we could do that would allow us to sit under the ceiling fan on hot evenings. It is a picture of Yosemite. Ah, I’ve missed doing puzzles.

No big plans for this week. I’m emailing my west coast friends to let them know what dates I’ll be in town. I may try to get together with my friend Shannon. I don’t know if I’ll drive out there, I may vote for meeting in town.

I’ll close with a quote from While You Were Sleeping.

Jack: You suck!

Peter: I suck, or the outfit sucks?

Jack: It’s a toss-up.

Which Scrubs Character Are You?

You are…Turk

A.K.A. “The Jock with a God Complex”

Who’s da man? You are! (Or, “da woman” as the case may be.) You’re cool without trying. Confident, caring, loyal. Do you ever make a wrong move? Okay, perhaps your enthusiasm for life can get you into trouble with those more inhibited than yourself, but you’ve got the skills to get yourself out of any sticky situation. The only problem with leading such a blessed life is jealous peers. Don’t let them rile up your competitive nature to an unhealthy level! And don’t let your good looks drag you down a dangerous path, either! Those infros are tough to treat.

Go Google Yourself

I love to google my name to see what comes up. I rely on Google to help me find old friends, or at least find out about them. I have been looking for a friend from my Harry Ainlay days, Adam Wasserman. I have not found him, nor do I know anyone who knows him. Every time I hear Mary Jane’s Last Dance I think of Adam’s grad. He asked me to be his date, so I went. It was fun to see some old friends, whom I hadn’t seen in years. But the point of this story is all my googling has not helped me find him. I’d just like to know what’s he’s up to.

Killing Time

It’s 1:00, here’s what I’ve accomplished. I watched half of Hamlet, it wasn’t as entertaining as I had hoped. So then I watched Star Trek: Nemesis. This was more entertaining, and as good as I expected. Being a fan of ST:TNG, it was pretty good. Not my favorite ST movie, but it held my interest. I also went for a walk. I have a movie (Runaway Jury) waiting for me at the library, so I’ll go pick that up. I may watch it this afternoon, or I’ll wait until Monday.

Yes, I watched the Friends finale. I’ve been watching Friends since day one, and I did get a little teary watching it end. I pretty much knew how it was going to end, but it was still fun to watch. I don’t know if I’ll tune into Joey, but I may check out an episode or two. Rumor has it Matthew Perry will guest star in an episode, and that would be worth tuning in.

Punk’d is back on MTV. I really like that show. I like the concept of celebrities being duped. Touching Evil is moving to Monday nights. I hope it isn’t permanent, I love the idea of Monk & Touching Evil on the same night.

Yesterday I watched The Full Monty, so it’s fitting to close with a quote from that.

Dave: Anti-wrinkle cream there may be, but anti-fat-bastard cream there is not.

Melting, I’m Melting

It’s 86 Fahrenheit today. I think I’m going to die. That’s 30 Celsius for my Canuckian friends. And since I’m on the topic of heat, we’ll be going to Palm Springs during our California visit. The Kroliks invited to join them there. I think we may end up going through a whole bottle of sunblock on our trip. I am looking forward to seeing all our friends, seeing Ashley & Chris get married, wading in the ocean, and having dinner at Ruth’s Chris. Mmmm. My favorite restaurant. If we get the chance to do Disneyland, that would be awesome. Can’t go overboard, have to save some money for Scotland.

The picnic was fun yesterday. Geoff came and met some of my coworkers. Sadly most of them couldn’t make it, so he didn’t get to meet everyone I’d hoped. We got presented with certificates of appreciation, which was weird. I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t go to the zoo since no one I knew was going. If Geoff didn’t have to go back to work, we would have. But it was so hot yesterday, I was exhausted after the picnic, so I had a nap.

Not much is going on here. Just normal day to day stuff. Scrubs had it’s season finale on Tuesday with the “Turkeltons” getting married. It was another great episode, and I hope the summer passes quickly so we get to the fall and new episodes. Angel was outstanding last night! Chock full o’ Buffy references. Andrew wasn’t as geeky as he usually is, but that may be because the episode talked of moving on, so he’s obviously moved on/grown up from the nerd we once knew. Only 2 episodes left of Angel (that sound you hear is Geoff cheering). I read online what they had originally talked of/planned for Angel had it been picked up for a sixth season. Plans they had for this season & next. Like bringing both Oz & Willow to the show for a few episodes. How Fred would not have died, but Illyria would still be a storyline. Perhaps for the movies, if they ever happen.

We’ve been watching Futurama on DVD, so I’m going to close with some quotes from it. Frankly it’s way funnier than the Simpsons.

Fry: [offscreen] Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.


[Bender and Fry in Benders apartment]

Bender: [while sleeping] Kill all humans, kill all humans, must kill all hu…

Fry: [shakes him] Bender wake up.

Bender: I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it.

Fry: Listen, Bender, uh… where’s your bathroom?

Bender: Bath-what?

Fry: Bathroom.

Bender: What room?

Fry: Bathroom.

Bender: What what?

Fry: Aaah, never mind. [Bender shuts himself down to sleep, Fry lies on the floor]

Bender: [while sleeping] Hey, sexy mama… Wanna kill all humans?