The Polish Prince

I’m feeling a little like Bobby Vinton (The Polish Prince) “Lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely”. Except that I’m Mrs. Lonely. Ah, it’s only a few more sleeps until Geoff gets back. Worked, ran errands, napped, watched Forces Of Nature, had dinner, and spent time on the computer. I’m hooked on Tv Tome, it’s a wealth of information.

I added a link to the Garden State movie trailer. It’s a Zach Braff movie that has been getting some good buzz. He wrote it, he directed it, he stars in it. I’ll likely have to wait until it comes out on DVD before I see it. I figure the next time we venture out to see a movie it will be The Incredibles (the next Pixar movie), though I hope to talk Geoff into Spider-man 2. Have you seen the most recent trailer? It looks awesome!

Geoff is having fun in California. I hope he’s making good contacts. He met Brad at the ENC last year, so it pays off. Next year it will be held in Providence, Rhode Island. I may think about going, just because it might be cool. Every other year it’s held in Pacific Grove/Monterey, CA so Geoff assures me one of these times I’ll get to go. πŸ™‚

I better get on putting a dent in my pile o’ books. Kelly, I am digging The Quiet American. I like the way he writes. I’ll email you when I finish it. I’m going to close with a quote from Saving Silverman. I’ve seen this movie a few times, and it keeps growing on me. I know someone in the movie, and they hated it! Said it was such a shame to be in it. I don’t know, I kinda like it. Take it for what it is, Steve Zahn, Jack Black, Amanda Peet, and Jason Biggs.

Wayne: So Darren tells me you’re a psychologist.

Judith: That’s right.

Wayne: I’m in a related field.

Judith: Really? What is it?

Wayne: Pest and rodent removal.

Judith: How is that related?

Wayne: We both help people.

It’s Not Vinyl

There’s something in the fact that the first thing I do once Geoff leaves is drag out my cassettes and listen to them. Geoff is ashamed that I still own and listen to cassette tapes. I explained to him, that if he’d help me find this stuff on cd or convince the iTunes Music Store to carry these songs, I’d part with them. Right now I am listening to Boulevard, I love this album! I also listened to one of my favorite songs Don’t Turn Away (Dolby’s Cube). The closest I’ve come to finding Don’t Turn Away is on 45, so that’s right out. I don’t know what I’m going to do once I wear these tapes out. Ideally they will be replaced, but it’s unlikely. All this talk of music prompted Lisa to email me to tell me what she’s listening to. Lisa, you should be ashamed! πŸ™‚ I won’t repeat it, but I feel bad for her. πŸ˜‰ There is much better music out there than that.

Going back to Dolby’s Cube, it was a handle Thomas Dolby used when he produced the Howard The Duck soundtrack. I am not embarrassed to say I like the movie. It was kinda funny, but mostly I loved the music. Yes, it had bad hair, a talking duck, Jeffrey Jones worst acting gig, but if you can overlook all of that… I don’t know maybe you can’t.

Speaking of comic books turned movies, we watched Daredevil last night. Geoff liked it better than Spider-man. I couldn’t believe he said that. No way did I think it was better than Spider-man (and not just because I think Tobey is awesome). Daredevil kinda started slow, but it wasn’t bad. I like Ben Affleck, despite what some people think, I think he can be a pretty good actor with the right material. I don’t think I could say who’s done better movies, Ben or Matt Damon. The both have their good roles and their bad roles. I think Matt is a little pickier in his choices.

I’m closing with a quote from Office Space. Doug & I saw it in the theatre when it came out. I miss seeing movies with Doug.

Bob Porter: Looks like you’ve been missing a lot of work lately.

Peter Gibbons: Well, I wouldn’t exactly say I’ve been *missing* it, Bob.

Lost In Translation

So, we finally rented Lost In Translation. It was good, I liked Bill Murray. I don’t know if I would buy it, I may have to stew on it for a while. I was disappointed that it made no mention of the nudity. Oh, yeah, and I watched Encino Man. I’d never seen it, and Geoff said there is no actor, no movie that can overcome having Pauly Shore in it. But it has Brendan Fraser, and Sean Astin. It was amusing in it’s own way. That’s all I have to say about that. πŸ™‚

I got all caught up with a friend from high school online yesterday. James Andrews. Just saying his name or thinking about him will bring a smile to my face. James tells a good joke, he says the funniest things, and he knows everybody. James got me caught up on some people from high school, and what he & his brother Kyle have been up to. Since James keeps himself pretty busy, we don’t usually get the chance to see him when we visit Edmonton. But I think on our next visit, I’ll make more of an effort. He’s still playing with The Unknown Poets and you can find their cd on the website. It’s very entertaining. πŸ™‚

I may use the excuse of living the single life next week to get on my scrapbooking. I also have some correspondence to catch up on. I signed up for the blood drive at work on Tuesday, and Tuesday night is the volunteer appreciation dinner.

I’m closing with a quote from Armageddon.

President: We didn’t see this thing coming?

Dan: Well, our object collison budget’s about a million dollars. That allows us to track about 3% of the sky, and beg’n your pardon sir, but it’s a big-ass sky.

Going Home

Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,

you now dismiss your servant in peace. -Luke 2:29

Philip Gilman was the sweetest man at our church in Irvine. He always had nice things to say, loved the Lord with all his heart, and wanted to share that love with everyone he ever met. He passed away Tuesday at the age of 91. Please keep his wife Verdie, and their children in your prayers.

For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come.

–William Shakespeare

Music Snob

When I started out at KUCI, before I even went on air, I felt like I knew nothing. Everyone there seemed to know more than I did, and they did. I latched on to Bill right away, interning on his show every week, absorbing everything he’d tell me. I did form my own opinions, not everything he loved I loved. But I learned a lot about music and radio in my years there. Music snobs were a plenty, and I think I started to become one. When High Fidelity came out, everyone at the station loved it, and it seemed to be to most of us we were those characters or we knew those characters.

I’m annoyed by the fact that there is a song on MTV that is so darn catchy and I love it. Worst of all it is by a band I swore years ago at KUCI that I hated. What’s a music lover to do? I don’t know. I want to buy the song from iTunes, but I may try to get the album out of the library and see if it’s any good. I won’t name the band I am referring to, not today anyway. So don’t ask.

I remember before Barry (KUCI Alumni) moved to Princeton, he told me how frustrated he was that Sugar Ray had won him over. He hated them, and now he was trying to learn their songs on guitar. I mocked him, and months later, Sugar Ray won me over too. I still hate their song Fly, but I can’t get enough of Answer The Phone.

I miss being exposed to new, unknown indie music. Now it just seems like so much work. With all my free time, I should be tuning into KUCI online. Oh that Bill were doing a show, I would tune in. In truth there are a lot of great dj’s still at KUCI, and some great shows still on from when I was there.

I watched The Quiet American, so now I’m ready for the book. It was a good movie, and the acting was really well done. I don’t watch many movies like that, but I was glad I broke out of my box and watched it. Brendan Fraser doesn’t get enough credit for his dramatic work (see Gods & Monsters). But Michael Caine is awesome, I always enjoy his performances (see Miss Congeniality, The Cider House Rules, Without A Clue, Mr. Destiny).

I’ll close with a quote from Miss Congeniality. I’m thrilled they are doing a sequel, and that Michael Caine will be back for that. πŸ™‚

Gracie Hart: Look I know what I’m gonna do. I haven’t done this since high school but it’s like riding a bike.

Victor Melling: You are not having sex on this stage.

Gracie Hart: I didn’t know that was an option.

Vegas Baby!

I turned on the tv yesterday after work, and Roswell was on Sci-Fi. They show it once a month in blocks of episodes. And it was the episode where the gang goes to Vegas. An entertaining episode, particularly the aliases Michael gives everyone. Then in the afternoon I got an IM from Kelly who was in Vegas! What a strange coincidence. She was up nearly $50 when I talked to her. I think she was there for just a few days with her friend Jim. And while she was there, she met Drew Carey! She says he’s pretty cool. Geoff and I saw a taping of Who’s Line Is It Anyway? ( a few years ago) and the coolest person there was Wayne Brady. While everyone took a break, he came out and talked with the audience. I told him he was awesome on the Emmys, and he said thanks. It was a fun time, not nearly as lengthy a process as seeing Friends (which was cool).

Not much else is going on here. Jason left this morning, Geoff had to wake me so I could say good-bye. I think I may be coming down with something, and I haven’t been sleeping so well. Strange dreams.

I got some books out of the library to read while Geoff is gone next week. The Odyssey (Homer) and The Quiet American (Graham Greene). Brad recommended Crime & Punishment, so if I plow through those two, I may get that. I’m back to reading the classics. The Tattered Cover (the local bookstore) has Candide (Voltaire) for $3. I enjoyed that book, though I’m sure I didn’t understand some of it. I’ll take some more recommendations, but let me tell you what I liked: The Great Gatsby, Of Mice & Men, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Old Man & The Sea. So by that, what would you recommend?

I’m gonna close with a quote from Ed Tv, which was surprisingly good. (I don’t care one or another about Matthew McConaughey).

John: Look, Ed, you put *anybody* on television sixteen hours a day, and sooner or later they’re going to fall off a table and land on a cat.

What’s Going On

So Jason arrived Saturday afternoon safely, and a little tired. We’ve enjoyed having him here, it’s a shame he leaves tomorrow morning. The boys went to Copper Mountain to ski, and I think the snow we got this weekend helped out. Jason got to experience the Bull & Bush, and he loved it, naturally.

Museum is busy, and will only get busier as summer draws near. Easter service was pretty awesome we sang two of my favorites Nothing But The Blood and The Wonderful Cross.

Geoff says he had a good birthday. Saturday morning, we went out in the snow to go to Cosmopolitan Bread Cafe for breakfast. It was a quaint little place. Even in the snow, some people came in after us.

I’ll close with a quote from Monsters, Inc.

Mike: Sulley, you’re not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it. Now put that thing back where it came from or so help me…

[Mike pauses, realizing that they suddenly have the attention of the entire scare floor]

Mike: Oh, hey. We’re rehearsing a– a scene for the upcoming company play called uh, Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me. It’s a musical.


Mike: Put that thing back where it came from or so help me… so help me, so help me and cut. We’re still working on it, it’s a work in progress but, hey, we need ushers.

He Is Risen!

THE RESURRECTION is God’s way of revealing to us that nothing that belongs to God will ever go to waste. What belongs to God will never get lostÒ€”not even our mortal bodies.

-Henri J. M. Nouwen