Home Sweet Home

We’re finally home. There is a lot I want to write about, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I have come down with a sore throat, I’m exhausted from traveling all day, and I have a kitty who misses her mommy. I will write myself a reminder of things I want to say, Customs agents with attitudes, Curling & the 2005 Brier, and the wedding.


And Now For Something Completely Different

Sigh. The wedding is over, all wedding duties are done, I can now start a hectic schedule of cramming in my family & friends over a two day period. Why must these trips always be so crazy? Oh yeah, because we’re popular, and we (usually) only make one Canadian appearance a year. Naturally some people don’t get so lucky to enjoy us one on one, and we’ll get phone calls, or hear about from other people. I stopped letting that bother me a while ago.

The wedding was lovely, everything went off without a hitch. I feel like I really bonded with Mike’s sisters, and I hope to keep in contact with them. I will post a few pics once we get back. I have plenty of funny stories to share, but that will wait until later.

I miss homecooked food. I’ve tried to be good about not eating gravy at every meal (though it’s tempting). (Gravy isn’t so easily found in yankee restaurants) We will enjoy a great lunch out at my grandparent’s house today. That’s always a highlight of the visit. My grandpa has a bowling tournament today, and we may go watch.

I look forward to my own bed, seeing my kitty cat, and getting back to normal.

It’s only fitting to close with a quote from Canadian Bacon.

Gus: Canadians are always dreaming up a lotta ways to ruin our lives. The metric system, for the love of God! Celsius! Neil Young!

Back In Time

It’s a little weird to try to visit your old stomping grounds. Yesterday I had a free day, so I took the bus downtown, walked around looking at how downtown has changed. Edmonton Centre isn’t quite the dump it was when I worked there. Danny was not at Too Corny, I may try again next week. The muffin nazis are still there though.

After walking around downtown enough, I hopped on the LRT to University. It was odd for me to be on campus and not have the option to stop by Glen’s office. Armed with my iPod, I walked from UofA through Whyte Ave to Bonnie Doon. Yeah, my feet were a little tired. But I did spend at least a half hour at the Wee Book Inn. Amazingly I left with only one cd.

The weather here has been great. Sunny, warmer than I expected. Today is the rehearsal, I have to pick up my dress, and I may try to spend some time with Colin.

I have been going through a wide range of emotions the last two days, and some have not been dealt with. It’s a little more personal than I’m ready to share right now, but please pray for me.

I hope to try to get together with Chris for coffee one day before I go. Chris…are you reading this? Had dinner last night with Chad & Lisa. Brooke took to me well, and Laurel has always liked me. There’s something about me, kids like me. 🙂

Well, busy days ahead. I may try to blog on Sunday, and give the rundown.

I’ll close with a quote from Ocean’s 11, which we watched before we left.

Danny: I’m not sure what four nines does, but the ace, I think, is pretty high.

Alberta Bound

I don’t actually know the lyrics of the song, I always just add the Simon & Garfunkel line “I wish I was” after it. I played the song on my radio show once, defying the fact that I shouldn’t actually play Gordon Lightfoot. I kinda miss my radio show, more than that though I miss my friends & former co-hosts. Kevin wants me to do an alumni show in May, and I may just do that.

Yep, tomorrow we’ll be Alberta Bound. I doubt I’ll sleep much tonight. I hate traveling away from Honey, but it’s too much grief to bring her. And cats like their routines, she’s better off here with Brad.

I finished Those Who Trespass by Bill O’Reilly. It was pretty good. I have hopes of someday meeting Mr. O’Reilly, and I finally know someone who knows someone who works for the same station as him. How’s that for connections? It occurs to me that my Canuck friends may not be familiar with Bill O’Reilly. He’s a newsguy here (the U.S.), he hosts The Factor (radio), and The O’Reilly Factor (tv). His website is here . He gets a lot of flack from certain people, but I really enjoy his show. Yeah, we don’t see eye to eye on everything, but I respect the guy.

Over the weekend we watched a classic Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode, Pod People. It was just as funny as we remembered it. We’re still giggling at some of the running gags “Shane? Shane??? Fox? John Boy? McCloud!” “HUZZAH!” I think everyone should see at least one episode of MST3K. I can recommend a few of our favorites, Space Mutiny, Manos: Hands Of Fate, Quest For The Lost City (A.K.A.- The Final Sacrifice) (filmed in Alberta), or Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. The MST3K movie is a must. That was what got us started.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to blog while I’m in Edmonton. I’ll try. I don’t have much free time there, trying to fit everything in.

Hee Hee! I just got a present from UPS. Red Dwarf Seasons 3 & 4! courtesy of my sweetie husband. Awww, I’ll have to wait until we get back to get into it. Well, maybe one or two episodes to break up the packing. I guess it would be fitting to end with a quote from season three’s The Last Day.

Lister: I don’t mean to say anything out of place here, Kryten, but that is completely whacko Jacko. There is no such thing as ‘Silicon Heaven’.

Kryten: Then where do all the calculators go?

Lister: They don’t go anywhere. They just die.

Kryten: Surely you believe that God is in all things? Aren’t you a pantheist?

Lister: Yeah, but I just don’t think it applies to kitchen utensils. I’m not a FRYING pantheist. Machines do not have souls. Computers and calculators do not have an afterlife. You don’t get hairdryers with tiny little wings, sitting on clouds and playing harps.

Kryten: But of course you do. For is it not written in the Electronic Bible, “The Iron shall lie down with the Lamp”.

A Beautiful Weekend

Let me say, it’s so beautiful here. The sun is shining, all the snow we got on Friday is long gone. It was nearly all gone on Friday afternoon. It had better be nice in Edmonton this week! Just because I know how Edmonton weather can be, I won’t pack my sandals. Don’t look at me like that, I wear my sandals here. We’re practically ready for the trip, I just need to work on my attitude. I am struggling with the fact God has laid on my heart to forgive someone, and I know I should, but it’s hard. That would be my prayer request, for those who would pray for me.

I had a two hour IM chat with Kelly on Friday. She’s been pretty quiet on her end, and so it was great to touch base. She says she may be able to visit sometime, which is more than I could offer her. I really, really want to go to D.C., but it won’t be anytime soon.

Our friends Jen & Shad are moving to Portland! I suspected it was going to come when they mentioned it as a possibility weeks ago. We wish them the very best, but we will miss them. We just started to get to know them. But that means we have another place we can visit. They will begin the process of moving, and it should be finalized late May-early June.

Yesterday I talked to the bride-to-be for an hour and a half. We haven’t been good about speaking to each other much, so it was kinda nice. She’s pretty relaxed, and both she & the groom are very excited. Anxious for it to all be done so they can get away on their honeymoon.

In reading The Purpose Driven Life this week, I felt a particular verse speak to me. I felt like it was God’s answer to the whole baby thing. Habbakuk 2:3 (LB) – “These things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!” That brings me comfort. It will happen, in God’s timing. I feel like I’m getting more out of this book then I did the first time around.

I hope to talk Geoff into a trip to Blockbuster today. I want to see a new movie, and I may be able to sway him. I think either Lost In Translation or School Of Rock. I want to see something funny.

I’ll close with a quote from Zoolander.

Derek Zoolander: Oh, I thought you were going to tell me what a bad eugoogalizor I am.

Matilda: What?

Derek Zoolander: A eugoogalizor, one who speaks at funerals. Or did you think I’d be too stupid to know what a eugoogoly was.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

I love Peet’s. I am affectionately known there as “Holiday Blend Girl”, because I requested it, and they gave me their last tin. I wrote a letter to the head office to tell them about how nice they were at the Denver store, and it got forwarded to them. I wanted to write down their names so I would remember the next time I go. Alejandro and Dave. I sampled a new tea (Osmanthus Fancy), and bought a tin of it, it’s great. When you buy a tin of tea, you get a cup for free. So I asked them to recommend one, and I tried Imperial Red. It was also tasty. Dave wanted to make sure I liked it since (in his words) “I’m a big tea drinker”. It’s stuff like this that makes the “I miss Irvine, and I want to go back there” feeling fade, and make Denver seem like home. As Geoff will attest, this is a huge step for me. It takes me a while to adjust to a new place. Those few people from Edmonton who kept in touch after we moved, likely remember how I was feeling after the move to Irvine. I hated it. We didn’t know anyone, I was depressed for months. I would cry, and call my friends and family often. It took months for me to warm up to it. And I still love Irvine, but Denver is home now. Once our three years here are done, it’s likely I’ll want to stay in Colorado. I like being able to see the mountains everyday. I’m very open to Canada too.

When I go to Peet’s I like to bring a book and I’ve been reading “How To Be A Canadian”. It makes me laugh out loud, and I think I want to get more books by Will & Ian Ferguson. I’ll have to check the Wee Book Inn, as Christmas is just too far away. To give you a sample of it, here is the Canadian winter vocabulary.

Chilly: Below zero with blowing wind and sleet.

Nippy: Well below zero with gale-force winds, ten foot high snowbanks and roaming polar bears.

Cold: Minus 40 with a wind chill factor of at least 100 below.

Really Cold: Exposed flesh freezes in ten minutes.

Very Cold: Exposed flesh freezes in five minutes.

Damn Cold: Two minutes.

Really Very Damn Cold: One minute.

Freezing: Who needs all ten fingers anyway?

Too Cold To Go To The Mall: Theoretical temperature used only in scientific hypotheses (like the infinity symbol, only more abstract)

Note: None of this applies to people living in Victoria, the bastards.


Here is their province guide of Alberta.

Alberta: “Back Up, Nice and Slow, and No One Gets Hurt”

Location: Left of centre (oddly enough).

Main exports: Wealth and alienation.

Giant Ukrainian Easter Egg: Yes.

Giant Statue of a Sausage: Yes.

Giant Perogy: Yes.

Statue of King Kong: Yes.

UFO Landing Pad: Yes.

What, are they crazy?: And how!

Provincial Motto: “We have oil. We have money. We have guns. Don’t piss us off.”


Now, I’ve seen the egg, and seen pictures of the perogy & landing pad, but I couldn’t tell you where they are. My fellow Albertans, please enlighten me if you have seen any or all of these.

Chris posted that Tooker Gomberg had died. Was he the one who wanted to ice the streets so everyone could skate to work? How sad for his family, as he was pretty young.


Colin got a job! He got connected with Chad on the weekend, gave his resume to him, Chad took it to work, Colin got called for an interview, Colin starts work today! This has been a total answer to prayer. I pray now that he loves it.

Tennille called me on Wednesday night, and we talked for an hour and a half. It was a good talk, and we each recommended some books to read. Oddly enough she was in Edmonton a few weeks ago, but she’s gone back to Red Deer, so I won’t see her. I may have to stop by Too Corny to say hi to Danny. Amidst all the other running around I have to do.

I was going to have lunch today with Shannon, but it’s been cancelled due to inclement weather. We were going to go to Wendys, which I love. I mean the food is yummy, and they have a dollar menu. Wendys will always be special to me, because when I used to take dance, every Wednesday after practice my dad would take Colin and I out to eat there. The one on Argyle. My dad used to always get the chili. Geoff says he doesn’t trust square patties, so he always gets a chicken sandwich.

Tonight is the season finale of Monk. Mr. Monk Goes To Jail. I’m sure it will get picked up for a third season, but nothing has been announced yet. I’m going to lend my Monk tapes to Dawn, hopefully she’ll like it.

Now, two quotes from The Three Musketeers. A charming little movie, that is hard to find on DVD.

Porthos: He thinks he can challenge the mighty Porthos with a sword…

D’Artagnan: The mighty who?

Porthos: Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of me.

D’Artagnan: The world’s biggest windbag?

Porthos: Little pimple… meet me behind the Luxembourg at 1:00, and bring a long wooden box.

D’Artagnan: Bring your own…

Porthos: [laughs]


Bad Guy: It’s Porthos the Pirate! AAAAH!

[The bad guys jump overboard]

D’Artagnan: Pirate?

Porthos: I told you I was famous.

Trade Ya…

So we got a letter in the mail from the Chief Electoral Officer regarding our eligibility to vote in the Canadian federal election. What does that mean? We can still vote in Canada. How weird is that? That we could have a say in the Canadian gov’t, and we don’t even live there. Finally, my citizenship pays off! 🙂

Now, I wonder…could I trade my vote for say…a U.S. federal election vote? Because that would benefit me more. No disrespect to Canada, but I live here, not there. I wonder…is that something you could buy on eBay? Someone’s vote? I’m sure there are people out there who can vote, and don’t. It seems a shame to waste it. I guess I’m resigned to bone up on what’s happening in the Great White North.

My dad told me on several occasions, there are two things you don’t talk about, religion and politics. Awww, but those are my favorite topics. Today, the topic of the Bible came up at work. And time did not permit me to have the discussion I would have liked to have. I’m always interested to hear what people think, and even more so if they are willing to have the conversation. Most of the time, or at least with people I know, they are willing to say “this is what I think”, but when I ask them why, or to elaborate, they clam up, unwilling to take the conversation to the next level. That kind of bothers me, as it doesn’t allow for people to open up, or share where they are coming from. It’s worse if they say it’s a belief system, but they don’t actually know anything about it. How can you believe in something if you don’t have any information on it. What makes you believe in it? These are the thoughts I’ve been mulling over since my boss shared he read a fiction book, and believes it is fact. I hope that I will have a chance to ask him some questions since he made some “crazy” claims. (They seem crazy to me.)

Yesterday I got a little defensive of my husband over something that wasn’t worth getting worked up over. Usually I can take things with a grain of salt, so I don’t know what was up with that. I think I’m just stressed about the trip coming up so fast. I’ll be glad when it’s done. I don’t like to be stressed, and granted I don’t get nearly as stressed as other Armstrongs. I guess I just get stressed about different things.

Colin had an interview today, that I am somehow getting credit for. I simply put him in touch with someone. I really really hope it pans out. I am anxiously awaiting for him to call me.

I’ll end with a quote from I.Q. One of those Tim Robbins movies I like. I like his movies, but I can’t say we share the same thoughts on other stuff.

Albert Einstein: Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Ed Walters: Well what would be the odds of that happening?