Back In Time
It’s a little weird to try to visit your old stomping grounds. Yesterday I had a free day, so I took the bus downtown, walked around looking at how downtown has changed. Edmonton Centre isn’t quite the dump it was when I worked there. Danny was not at Too Corny, I may try again next week. The muffin nazis are still there though.
After walking around downtown enough, I hopped on the LRT to University. It was odd for me to be on campus and not have the option to stop by Glen’s office. Armed with my iPod, I walked from UofA through Whyte Ave to Bonnie Doon. Yeah, my feet were a little tired. But I did spend at least a half hour at the Wee Book Inn. Amazingly I left with only one cd.
The weather here has been great. Sunny, warmer than I expected. Today is the rehearsal, I have to pick up my dress, and I may try to spend some time with Colin.
I have been going through a wide range of emotions the last two days, and some have not been dealt with. It’s a little more personal than I’m ready to share right now, but please pray for me.
I hope to try to get together with Chris for coffee one day before I go. Chris…are you reading this? Had dinner last night with Chad & Lisa. Brooke took to me well, and Laurel has always liked me. There’s something about me, kids like me. 🙂
Well, busy days ahead. I may try to blog on Sunday, and give the rundown.
I’ll close with a quote from Ocean’s 11, which we watched before we left.
Danny: I’m not sure what four nines does, but the ace, I think, is pretty high.