
I don’t think I can put into words how excited the family was to check out the new WiiU system, being released later this year. We’re BIG Nintendo fans- it’s the only system we own. It’s a brand I trust to put out a good product, and one I feel is a good fit for our family. I would admit that years before I became a Brand Ambassador.

We use our Wii weekly, so going into the play session I wondered if we would need a new system. Would any changes they’ve made make it worth our money?

The answer is yes. With the WiiU being backwards compatible, all our current games will be playable on the new system. And the new control pad (which feels like a cross between a classic controller and an iPad) makes things interesting. When the kids tried the new Super Mario Bros U, I was able to play along as a “helper”, adding platforms to help them reach more coins, knock out adversaries, and avoid pitfalls.

Miles getting help on the controller to play Scribblenauts Unlimited

One of my kids favorite games was Nintendoland, featuring Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest, Luigi’s Ghost House, Donkey Kong’s Crash Course, and many more. The other game they liked was Scribblenauts Unlimited. We were previously unfamiliar with the game, but even I’m sold on getting the game (and a version for my DS).

My favorite game was Just Dance 4. I do not own any of the previous versions, but I’m sold on picking some up now. What a hoot to be dancing and singing along with other Nintendo nuts! If you have friends who like to cut loose, this game is one you should add to any party.

No Nintendo event is complete without a visit from Mario. If I could have got us all in one shot, I promise that would have been our Christmas card for 2012. 🙂

Geoff: Hey Mario, here’s a mushroom…


Me: Dude, you just put a mushroom in front of my face!


Finally getting our nice picture taken with Mario

Wii Are #NintendoEnthused

Last weekend, we had 20+ friends join us for a Wii Play: Motion party, complete with ice cream sundae station. It was loud, it was fun, and it was equally as fun to watch as it was to play.

The welcome sign Elijah & I worked on

Our friends arrived, and we instructed them to make some Miis. This always results in laughter as people experiment with eyes & nose sizes.

Serving out ice cream. Sean is enthusiastic!

The first half of the party, the kids played around with it. Because we had so many kids, Geoff also set up his older Nintendo systems upstairs (SNES & N64).

The games that were a big hit were Wind Runner (racing through a course with your umbrella, collecting coins, using the wind to propel you) , Veggie Guardin’ (a fun version of whack a mole, which up to 4 players can play at a time), and Skim Skipper (skipping stones, also a 4 player game).

Kids are trying out the games

Wii Play: Motion, has games that are entertaining for everyone. Our guests ranged in age from 4 years old to over 50 years old. I would totally recommend it, as would my party guests

Spooky Search


I was sent a copy of Wii Play: Motion to host a party, as well as party favors, a prize and ice cream sundae supplies. Thanks to Brand About Town & Nintendo! The review is my own opinion.