Lead Or Follow

I struggle with the fact that I want to be a leader, but without all the responsibilities.

I like to be in charge, but it scares me to be responsible for an end product.

I am frustrated when people don’t work on the same timeline as I do. I get annoyed when people don’t follow through. I hate having to check on people to make sure they are doing their job.

I like to communicate where things are at, and when I don’t get that, it bothers me.

I guess that makes me a bit of a control freak. But being a control freak, I think that makes me a better follower.

I can take an idea and run with it. But rounding up people to help-making sure those people are committed- no thanks.

I don’t think I could run my own company. I might grow to hate the boss.


Yes I am Canadian, but that does not mean I love snow. I don’t hate snow. I have some found memories of playing in the snow.

My boys love snow! They get giddy when the flakes fly, they cry when the snow melts. I think Colorado weather is perfect for them. They get a taste for it, but they aren’t saddled with it for 6 months of the year.*

With the snow we got on the weekend, the boys waited anxiously for it to be “snowman snow”. Today, I got outside with them to assist with building Snowman Guy.

I’m okay if this winter we don’t see a ton of snow. If I want snow, I’ll go to the mountains.

*Canada doesn’t really get 6 months of snow. But it feels like it.

Always Pack Light For A Guilt Trip

I love my grandparents, I do. I don’t see them often because we live far away. I speak to them maybe once a year but send letters a few times a year.

When I called my mom on her cell this weekend, she was at my grandparents’ home. “do you want to talk to them?” she asked.

“Uh, okay.”

Conversation was pretty much about weather, and a brief overview of what’s going on with us (The Christmas letter is going out soon, they’ll have all the details).

Grandma closed the conversation with, “well, tell the boys we say hello, even though they don’t know who we are”.

Thanks for the guilt trip Grandma.

It’s true, only Elijah, the almost 5 year old has met them. We haven’t been to Canada in 4.5 years. Meaning there is family who haven’t met Miles. And it is hard for my grandparents (in their eighties) to travel, particularly Grandpa who has been having health issues the last two years. But let’s look at it from my perspective:

Cost of four plane tickets to Edmonton: $2500

That doesn’t include a rental car, meals eaten out, or probable hotel accommodations because who has room for 4 extra people in their house?

Sure I feel badly that my kids don’t know their extended family. But I can’t spend my time feeling guilty about things I have no control over.

I know my Grandma doesn’t mean it maliciously. I imagine getting older, you want to be surrounded by loved ones. To see the future generations and ponder what their futures will hold.

Just think how my brother feels. He lives near them and gets the same talk from Grandma.

Halfway Point

We are at the halfway point of NaBloPoMo. Is it getting easier? Heck no!

I have, in the past, been known to give up on things. Not because they are hard, but because by nature, I’m pretty lazy. In high school, I took law. I loved it, I excelled for the whole 3 weeks I took the class. Then I just stopped going.

I can admit it, I am lazy. I can go days without picking my clothes. I could waste a day eating nothing but junk food and watching tv.

Having two small children has forced me to be more responsible than I would normally be. I have other mouths to feed besides mine. I need to set a good example for my little mynah birds.

I will finish this month of blogging, and hopefully be inspiring and inspired enough to continue to blog regularly.

Or not.

Paging Dr. Freud

I nearly always remember my dreams. It’s normal for me to recall my dreams, even more normal that I’ll spend most of the next day trying to dissect them. You are now at the mercy of hearing about what I dreamt last night.

I dreamt that I was being chased by a bear. And a talking one at that. No matter how I tried to barricade myself in the house, he would get inside. I would flee, run to a near by cabin, but even there, he would find me. He continued to ask me “do you really think these locks are going to keep me out?”

What does it mean? I have no idea, but it has left me feeling unsettled. Here is what the dream means, according to dreammoods.com: To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, denotes aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation.

Being chased has a whole page devoted to it; Essentially it means I am feeling anxious about something. My reaction to run may be me trying to avoid the issue. I’m supposed to confront the bear. Also the distance between me & the bear is significant. The closer we are, the closer the problem is to me, and not likely to go away.

Hmm, so food for thought. I’ll stew on that the rest of the day.

We won’t discuss the other odd dreams I had this week.

But I ask you, do you remember your dreams? Do you analyze them?

Hit The Slopes

Do you know that I have only been skiing 3 times? None of those times have been on the beautiful mountains of Colorado.

I went skiing once on a bunny hill in high school, and then my first time was on my honeymoon in Jasper. The last time I skied was in 2003 at Mammoth in California.

I’m not adverse to skiing. I enjoy it, but not nearly enough to justify the price of a lift pass. I certainly don’t want to spend the whole day out there. Not when there is a lodge with warmth, and my feet can breathe-not being crammed into awkward boots. Not when there is hot chocolate and hot tubs.

Someday, when the boys are older we’ll aim to do a family ski day. Maybe we better start saving for that now.

Gary Moves On

It’s with a little sadness I inform you that Gary, our 97 Saturn sedan is moving on to a new life. He was loyal car, joining our family in 2002 after the demise of our first car, Beatrice (may she rest in peace).

Gary proved his worth and while he still has some spunk him, we know he’ll be happy in his new home. We wish him well.

Thanks for the memories Gary, and best of luck!

Mamas & Morton’s

Last night Morton’s Steakhouse in downtown Denver was overrun by the Mile High Mamas. I made my second appearance in as many weeks to a blogger event. Look out social calendar!

Seventh Generation donated some samples for us to try and let us know about the upcoming Million Baby Crawl on November 18. Their goal is to pass a law that will update regulation of toxic chemicals. While my “babies” aren’t crawling anymore, I do believe we need to keep our kids safe. I try to buy products now with the environment and my kids in mind. These moms all felt the same way.

I won’t be able to attend the “crawl” here in Denver, but I have shown my support on their website http://seventhgeneration.com/million-baby-crawl

As for the samples, they are going to make a great addition to our camping supplies. And Morton’s- the food was wonderful. I especially enjoyed the filet mignon sandwiches with mustard mayonnaise. Delicious!

Thanks Mile High Mamas!

Caution: Falls In Love Easily

It’s true. There are few places I’ve traveled where I haven’t fallen in love. With the city.

Maybe I’m lucky, I visit beautiful cities. Or perhaps, I can find beauty nearly anywhere.

When we went to Ottawa, I thought, man I could totally live here. I’m a sucker for a town with history too.

Even on the rainiest of days in Glasgow, I wanted to stay there forever. The old gray buildings that I wanted to touch and know their stories.

The places we saw in California and the towns here in Colorado. I think I could live almost anywhere.

Except Toronto. That place smells like pee.

Important To Me

It was important to me for my boys to get the H1N1 flu shot. They get the regular flu shot every fall, and with this flu running rampant in the schools, I felt I had to try and get them vaccinated. I know some people have strong feelings against vaccinations, but I truly believe they are doing the world good.

Our pediatrician warned on their website they were not getting enough vaccine for their high risk patients, and if you could find the vaccine, get it. I got a call from Tri-County Health that they would be offering free vaccines at the nearest middle school on November 9th.

I was completely unprepared for the afternoon/evening that lay ahead of me! I arrived at the school 15 minutes before the clinic opened. Well, actually I left my house 30 minutes before, drove 5 minutes, parked and walked to the end of the line. The line snaked all around the school. It was crazy long, and continued to grow long after it grew dark. We befriended the family behind us, their son the same age as Elijah. The grassy areas gave them room to run. The sun began to sink, and we still had not made it inside the school. We spent between 90 minutes to 2 hrs before we got inside the school, and then they REALLY began the snaking. By the time we were all the way at the other end of the school, I thought I might cry! We were hungry, our feet hurt and we saw no end in sight.

3 hrs and 30 minutes later we made it to the nurse. The silver lining in all this: my boys got the flu mist- no needles! At least I didn’t have to deal with crying kids as we stumbled back through the dark and tall grass to where we had parked our car.

Was it worth it? Time will tell. Had I been told when I arrived how long the wait would be, I would have turned around and left. Likewise, had I known I would be allowed to wait on school property early (say 1-2 hrs early), I might have brought my camping chairs and camped out.