Valentine’s Day Crafts

I was determined not to buy valentines this year for Elijah to hand out. We had enough leftover valentines for Miles to hand out to his preschool classmates. I wanted to make something handmade. My good friend Casual Perfect hand makes hers every year, I just needed to settle on something that wouldn’t be overwhelming.

Today was craft day! We first needed to construct Elijah’s valentine box. His teacher sent home some suggestions, but I searched Pinterest to get some inspiration. We settled on making a robot, figuring that it would simply be boxes covered in aluminum foil. I instructed Elijah to decide on shapes, and how the valentines would make it in and out of the box.

He designed it, I assisted with cutting the box, and he assembled it. Here’s the finished project. The head flops back (think Terrance & Philip) to retrieve the valentines.

Next up, were the actual valentines. Again, I drew inspiration from Pinterest. I found cute felt owl stickers at the craft store, along with a glow in the dark bracelets. I rarely let the kids eat the crappy candy that comes with their valentines, so I knew our valentines were’t going to have them.

I made a template for Elijah to see what I thought it should look like, and he finished them. Well, they aren’t finished yet, but we still have time. 🙂

<disclaimer: Elijah does like getting crafty, he was keen on the project. Just in case you thought I was a crazy lady forcing my kids to do crafts>


School Days

We’ve entered into a new phase of parenthood, having two kids in school. Now it’s only a few days a week, a few hours a week, but it’s a start. The start, to more than a decade of schooling for them.

Miles has only been 2 days, and he has already declared that “school is a little bit stupid”. While we have had no breakdowns during the checking in and out of preschool, when he is away from there, he expresses his desire not to go back. I guess that means I need to have a conversation with his teacher.

Elijah started Kindergarten, and he seems to really like Mr. Candelarie. But his start to school hasn’t been uneventful, I got a call from the school nurse on his 3rd day of school. He’s fine, and it added a humorous anecdote to Mr. Candelarie’s memoirs (so he told me).

Meanwhile, I spent my free time on Monday going to the gym and taking my sweet time strolling down the aisles of Target in quiet. Reading as many labels as I wanted, not having to visit the toy section, and just moving along at a slow pace. It was lovely!