Get A Job: Online Applications

I’m all for online applications, but I don’t think it should be the only way to get information. It took me several attempts to get the websites to accept my resume, and some of the attempts never went through.

My biggest complaint about the online applications I filled out was that many fields were required to be completed. One such field was who past supervisors were, and could they contact them. Since I haven’t worked since 2005, the people I worked under have also moved on. You can’t even contact the Harry & David I worked for, the store closed right after I left.

One place I submitted an online application to, I also visited in person. I figure it strengthens my application if I give them a face to go with the name. I believe I’m better in person than on paper. I can also explain that while I have not worked in several years, I have been a mom & volunteer.

As the job hunt continues, I’ll keep you posted. I also welcome any advice. 🙂

Best Job

I’ve held about eight jobs in my life, but I think my favorite job was working at Hallmark.

I held my position there for about year before we moved away to California. I really enjoyed the people there, and I enjoyed helping people find good cards for people they loved.

The pay was above average, and I hardly ever dreaded going to work. I often think if I ever went back into retail, Hallmark would be one of my top five picks.

My initial boss, Linda, was likely the reason I was so happy there. She recruited me from another job I had, appreciated my skills and was one of the nicest ladies I ever knew. You wouldn’t have known that she had lupus, or that when she left her long shifts at Hallmark, she went home to take care of her sick husband. I also made good friends with a girl there name Melanie, who was married the day before Geoff and I. And when her marriage was hitting a rough spot, I was happy I could be her shoulder to cry on.

I’ve had crappy jobs, crappy bosses too, but Hallmark was always a highlight for me.

Me, working at Hallmark. Apologies for my coworker’s bad spelling.