Tuesday, But It Feels Like Monday

Last night I finally got a good night’s sleep, the two nights before that I don’t know what was going on. I dreamt last night it was Christmas time, and I woke up with some song I was writing in my head. It’s gone now, the melody. But I was working on it with Harry Connick Jr. Perhaps he’ll remember it and record another Christmas album (if you don’t have his two Christmas albums, you’re missing out). Just to make everyone groan… it’s 112 days until Christmas!

I’ve been nursing a sore throat on and off for about 3 or 4 days. My allergies are also really bad right now, September is the worst for me. So I figure the sore throat is probably due to that.

Tonight I may end up playing babysitter to Caley. That’s if she & Shaun are feeling better. Then Amy & Shaun will babysit Elijah one night and Geoff and I can go out. Little Caley loves Elijah, she gets so excited when she sees him, or if Amy says they are going to come see us. Sunday night they came over for dinner, and she was crying, until Elijah walked over to her. She instantly stopped crying, and he tried to rock her in her car seat. But he moved out of her vision, and she starting crying until he looked back at her. It was the sweetest thing.

We got a lot of chores done this weekend, now we can relax and wait for Cate & Kaisara to get here Thursday night. I caught up with my family on the phone, and everyone is well. Mom had a good time in Vegas, and thanked me for the tip I gave her about the mermaid. She won some money too.

I’m starting to panic about crafty projects I’ve put off for too long. I wonder if I will have time to complete them post-baby, so I feel like I better tackle some of them now. But then I feel overwhelmed. Does anyone else feel like that?

Because bad drivers is my pet peeve, I’m closing with this quote from Liar Liar.

Cop: You know why I pulled you over?
Fletcher: Depends on how long you were following me!

Emotional Rollercoaster

Yesterday was a weird day. Elijah was sick, so he was up a total of maybe 3 or 4 hours yesterday, and slept the rest of the day. I went out to get groceries, and I almost cried just because the expiration date on the milk was the same date as my dad’s birthday. Later in the evening (and while I was trying to sleep) I was angry/annoyed over something I had no control over (don’t feel bad friend, it wasn’t your fault). I just feel so scattered. I keep forgetting to put soap in the dishwasher, and then I end up with dirty dishes after I’ve “washed” them. I’m blaming my pregnancy hormones.

I saw the coolest video, it was Ok Go’s Here It Goes Again. Yeah, I’m a little slow catching on to what’s new, but at least I know it. Thanks to You Tube, you can check it too.

I got some of my stuff done I wanted to accomplish. We have people coming over, the house is half vacuumed, and oh yeah, Geoff painted for me. 🙂 We just need to do a few touch ups, but I am so happy with it. But it makes the nursery look sad, so we may end up painting that too at some point. Now I get to find things to bring the whole room together.

Didn’t make it to church due to Elijah’s runny nose, but Geoff went. Last night we watched the Pink Panther (Steve Martin version), so I’ll close with a quote from that. Is it worth watching? I dunno, we got it out of the library, so it was worth being free. It had some funny moments though.

Nigel Boswell/Agent 006: Boswell. Nigel Boswell. 006. You know what that means?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Yes! You are just one shot away from the big time.