Go Oilers Go!

(Elijah in his Oiler shirt from Andrew & Athena)
Geoff and I were able to catch the exciting 3rd period of the Oilers/Wings game. What a match! I can’t believe they are advancing to the next round. Apparently they haven’t done that in 8 years.

Go Oilers Go!


naturally I had my iPod with me for the Sneak, so here’s a look at the tunes I walked to. I didn’t realize until I typed it up how Canadian it was.

This Is How We Do It – Montell Jordan
I Love A Rainy Night- Eddie Rabbit
Runnin’ Down A Dream – Tom Petty
Boogie Oogie Oogie – A Taste Of Honey
Angel – Madonna
Roadside Attraction – Spirit Of The West
Walk – Paul Bellows
‘Til I Am Myself Again – Blue Rodeo
Consequence Free – Great Big Sea
Sadness Grows – Spirit Of The West
Voodoo People – Prodigy

This weekend we watched Chicken Little. It was cute, I liked it. I’m not sure we’ll buy it just yet. Elijah isn’t at the age where he sits through a movie. He can make it through a Baby Einstein video, but that’s about it. And he has to be in a certain mood to do that. I am glad he isn’t obsessed with tv (not like his mother).

It’s nice to have Geoff home, at least for a few days. There is a men’s retreat this weekend, so I’m alone this weekend. That’s fine, I have books to read, and DVDs from the library to watch. On tap is De-Lovely, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

We get TWO House episodes this week! Tuesday (8pm) & Wednesday night (7pm). What will I do when the season ends? I sure hope Fox gives me reruns. 🙂

Not much planned for this week. Just trying to take it easy, and get in a few walks. I may try to set up a playdate with Myrna. She was so excited when I asked her to cat sit for our San Diego/Irvine trip. No joke. She got all giddy, and said we get to play with Honey? Her kids ask about Honey & Elijah all the time. It’s so cute.

I finally watched Quigley Down Under all the way through. I bought it for Geoff years ago, since it’s one of his favorite movies. There was a quote in the movie last night that I really liked, turns out it was a popular expression in the 19th century. I’ll close with that.

Matthew Quigley: “God made all men, Samuel Colt made them equal.”