Learning Collection

At the start of the day yesterday, while Jeff was frustrated at the job that some people had done last week, I reminded him of his catch phrase he always tells us, “It’s a learning collection”. Ha ha, little did I know what the morning would hold. First off, something I was supposed to take care of last week, I had forgotten, causing grief to people who thought it was lost. Then not even ten minutes later, I was on the ladder and sent 2 drums falling to the ground, at least 10 feet, nearly hitting Jeff. His first words once the clatter had stopped, were “Are you okay?”. I was, but my ego wasn’t. One drum was a tall wooden one, the other a beautiful metal one, now with a hole in the skin. To prevent this from happening again, we moved all the drums off the tallest shelf and found them better homes. We replaced them with baskets, which I also dropped off the ladder. 🙂 I may have inherited my dad’s nickname, Butterfingers. (Once long ago, when we lived in Burnewood, we had the whole family over, and my dad & his brothers were tossing a football around in our backyard. And I remember them teasing him, calling him Butterfingers.)

We’re having a museum group picnic tomorrow in the park beside the museum, then we’re all going to the zoo. It should be fun, and Geoff is going to try to join us.

I watched Heathers yesterday, and I still laugh at that movie. I couldn’t resist getting it out of the library. I also got the Ethan Hawke version of Hamlet, which I haven’t seen. Actually, I’ve never seen any version of Hamlet, but I did read it in junior high.

We saw the trailer for The Village, the new M. Night Shyamalan movie. It looks so good. Geoff summed it up well, “I’m scared and it’s just the trailer”. It scared me a little too. I always get scared watching Signs, but once it’s over, I feel better.

I’m closing with a quote from The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Tom Ripley: Well, whatever you do, however terrible, however hurtful, it all makes sense, doesn’t it, in your head. You never meet anybody that thinks they’re a bad person.

I stole this from Roland. You have to answer the questions about yourself using song titles from one artist. I chose The Tragically Hip:

Are you male or female? Highway Girl

How old are you? 38 Years Old

Describe yourself: Daredevil, Looking For A Place To Happen, Courage, Grace Too

How do some people feel about you? Yawning Or Snarling

How do you feel about yourself? I’m A Werewolf Baby

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: The Bastard, Thugs

Describe your views on significant others and crushes: Butts Wigglin’, Fireworks

Describe what you want: Music@Work, Fifty Mission Cap

Describe how you live: At The Hundredth Meridian, Apartment Song

Describe how you love: Boots Or Hearts, Let’s Stay Engaged

Share a few words of wisdom: Don’t Wake Daddy, Bring It All Back, I’ll Believe In You (Or I’ll Be Leaving You)

Crazy Weather

Wednesday it was hot & sunny. Thursday it rained. Friday it snowed all day. Today, sunny with a cool breeze. But no trace of snow. What a crazy town this is.

We took advantage of the nice weather and walked to Hobby Lobby. It’s a huge store, that will merit more visits. We left with some fabric and some batten. Then we walked to the grocery store. We replaced the fabric on our dining room chairs, and they look brand new. I’m very pleased. I feel like I’m on HGTV or TLC. 🙂

I’ve been getting books on Scotland to help plan for the trip. I hope to be able to put together a budget soon. We have a rough idea of how much we think we’ll spend on our Irvine trip, and I hope to take advantage of Priceline.com and get us a cheap place to stay on the way out there & back. Our friend Shad sings the praises of getting cheap hotel rooms from Priceline, so it’s worth looking into. We talked about trying to do the drive in one day (16 hours), but it may be more than we want to take on. We’ll see what unfolds. It’s my job to talk Fiona into watching Honey, and I hope she’ll say yes. Maybe I can offer her a trade, taking care of Honey, and I’ll do favors for her like watching Robin. This may work.

Nothing else is going on. I think we’re going to watch Gladiator tonight, as Geoff has been wanting to since we got it. I watched Reality Bites, which I really liked, and the commentary on The Goonies. That was very entertaining. I finished reading The Quiet American, and it was pretty good. I liked the ending better than the movie. Also the characters come across better in the book. On Thursday I read The Little Prince, since I’d never read it before. It was very cute.

I’m closing with a quote from Dead Poet’s Society.

[after hearing “The Introduction to Poetry”]

John Keating: Excrement! That’s what I think of Mr. J. Evans Pritchard! We’re not lighting a pipe! We’re talking about poetry. How can you describe poetry like American Bandstand? “I like Byron, I give him a 42 but I can’t dance to it!”