Quiz Time

1. Your name plus “y”

2. Two feelings at the moment?
contentment and sleepy

3. What are you listening to right now?
Jet Airliner – Steve Miller Band

4. A part of a song lyric that’s in your mind?
“how do you love, when your angels can’t sing and your world is still lacking of me”

5. Describe where you are right now?
in the loft

6. The highlight of your week?
Wednesday was a good day

7. What are you craving to have right now?
Ruffles, or an In-N-Out Burger

8. Any unforgettable childhood memory(s)?
I have a lot of great memories. To give one…Mt. Edith Cavell/Angel Glacier with the family

9. A not-so-good childhood memory?
the day Colin and I were told my parents were splitting up

10. What are your nicknames?
Mel, Miss, M

11. Your three plans for tomorrow?
coffee at Caribou, cleaning, napping

12. Are you thinking of someone right now?

13. Say something to the person who posted this before you:
I hope to get out to AZ someday and go to that restaurant you like so much (Cooperstown?).

14. What do you want?
money to travel

15. Who is your best friend?
I can’t pick just one…Geoff, Lisa, Athena, Honey Cat

16. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers?
Are you gonna post this yourself? I might read it

17. Are you feeling hungry?

18. Who do you miss right now?
my friends

19. Last friend you talked to online?
Diane (MIL)

20. What do you like about the night?
the quietness

21. If you visited a farm, what would you like to see?
my grandparents (they have a farm)

22. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

23. Last gift you got?
uh gee, Diane brought us Cadbury mini eggs at Easter. So not counting food, last gift would be flowers for our anniversary.

24. Did you like it?
yes, I love getting chocolate and flowers.

25. Do you play an instrument? If you do, name it.
no, I wish

26. What song did you last hear?
Time – Gregg Tripp

27. Person you hate most?
Hate is a strong word. There are several people I’d avoid and want nothing to do with.

28. Who makes you laugh the most?
Elijah, the kid is a card. Geoff is a close second.

29. What makes you smile?
music, my boys

30. Who has a crush on YOU?
I’d hope my husband.

31. What was the last thing someone complimented on you today?
the hygienist said I’m doing a good job with my dental care.

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