Please List Any Allergies: September

My allergies started acting up today. A year ago tomorrow, I had the worst allergy attack ever (Heather was here, we went to Garden of the Gods, and something in the September air set me off). It’s not as bad as it was then, thank goodness. Today, I was fine, I left the house to run errands, and I haven’t been the same since. I hate spending the day with a box of kleenex. At least I’m not pregnant, I have more drug solutions than I did then.

While we are furniture shopping, we have been discussing about what we want our home to be. That way we know what kind of furniture we want to get. We really want our house to be a place to entertain, a place for our small group to meet, and a place to kick back and watch movies. We love having guests over, and our place here hasn’t allowed for that (location and space). We are also prioritizing the things we need and want for the house. There is one luxury decor thing I want, and I asked Geoff to see if we can set aside some money for that. We’ll see where things are at after we move in.

Well, I have to go fight off my allergies, so I’ll close with a quote from That 70’s Show.

Michael Kelso: Well, that’s Canada… Yup, good ol’ Canada. They don’t make generalizations about people because they’re too busy playin’ hockey or gettin’ drunk or puttin’ maple syrup on their ham.

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