We did a lot of nothing this weekend, but at least it was warm. More window shopping, some packing, and watched a ton of HGTV. While I was at the mall on Saturday, we stopped in the Apple store to get our mitts on the iPod Nano. Man it’s even better in person. Super lightweight, and slick. My current iPod is the 2nd generation, they stopped making updates and selling accessories for it months after I got it. I broke the belt clip on it within a few months, the remote broke a few months after that. So yeah I sometimes covet a newer model. It still serves me well for walks, but the two features I want a Nano for are storing pictures of Elijah, and making on the go playlists. It’s fun to dream (right Lisa?).
With the buying of a house here in CO, it has solidified for me that Colorado is home. Until now, I’ve been holding onto a dream of moving back to CA and being amongst those there I love. But we could never afford a home like this in CA. God lead us here for a reason, His hand has been on the whole house buying experience, this is where He wants us to be. Pastor Jim’s message yesterday confirmed it, and I feel like I’m okay with it. Besides, this country isn’t so big that traveling across a few states is so hard. 🙂
I’m getting close to 9 hours sleep each night, but I sure don’t feel rested when I wake up in the morning. I’m having bad dreams, or some little sound will disturb my sleep, or my mind is racing with house stuff. I can feel that I’m carrying tension in my shoulders. I’m hoping this phase will pass.
Well, speaking of sleep, I’m going to try to have a nap. I’ll close with a quote from The War Of The Roses.
Gavin: Oliver, my father used to say that a man can never outdo a woman when it comes to love and revenge.