Nothing New To Report

Not much is going on here. I’m going to lunch with Shannon and Kaylynn at Chick-Fil-A, and I’ll be hitting Hallmark to buy Father’s Day cards.

Last night on NBC they had a show I swear was made just for me, Hit Me Baby One More Time. It’s like Bands Reunited, but then they compete against each other. It was pretty entertaining, at least to me.

The weather has been alright this week, some rain, some shine. I’ve blistered up my feet pretty good this week, you have to love summer for that. Geoff says I should just always wear my hiking boots like he does, but it’s too hot for boots. And boots certainly don’t go with shorts unless you are camping. At least that’s how I feel.

I’m not yet looking forward to our Alberta trip. I will get in the mood once everything that needs to come together does. I have faith it all will.

I was able to get in touch with my friend Adam, finally. Got the short version of what he’s been up to the last 10 years or so since I’ve seen him. If time permits, I want to see him for coffee. If I am able to see everyone it would be a feat, and the first time that’s ever happened. Lisa is doing a lot to make that feasible. I mean we’re only in Edmonton for 5 or 6 days, so it’s a whirlwind trip. I pretty much have everyday booked. A little frightening, and I’m sure Geoff will be annoyed by that. he likes to be laid back, I like to squeeze everything in. Mind you, Elijah could be dictating my days, and I’ll have to work around that.

I guess I want to mention that I don’t understand how people can view Mark Felt as a bad guy. I mean there has to be accountability for our leaders, and he did a great service to the U.S. people. That’s my opinion anyway. I love the movie All The President’s Men, and I tried to read the book, but didn’t finish it.

Anyway, I’ll close with a quote from my favorite movie about former President Nixon, Dick.

Henry Kissinger: I’ll take responsibility here. I’ll be the only person in this administration who’s willing to take responsibility for anything.

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