Feeding The Masses

Now that we have established I like to cook (we established that right?), I must share my concern about feeding others.

I love to invite people over for dinner. But tonight I am serving 8 adults & 4 children and I am anxious. I can make a meal for my family, but cooking food for that many people makes me stress a little. Especially children. My kids will eat anything, other kids I have noticed are not like my kids.

Tonight I’m making Chicken Parmagiana. I have only made it once before. I stress about my time management and whether the dish will be enjoyed. So to begin alleviating my stress, I better start prepping.

What kind of food do you make for a big group of people?

3 thoughts on “Feeding The Masses

  1. green chili chicken enchiladas! I make it like a casserole so it feeds a lot of people. Sometimes I'll make beans as a side but those are super easy.

  2. We love cooking for big groups of people. My husband is an awesome cook, and nothing he tries turns out anything but great. We do things on the grill, or we make his famous chili. We have different casseroles, or it just depends on the "theme." For the kiddos, I almost always have the cliche things on hand if they don't want to eat what we're eating: hot dogs, chicken nuggets, or mac'n'cheese. LOL!

    Good luck!!

  3. I understand your pain… because these days not only does food have to taste good but people have so many allergies! I cook for big groups all the time here, and in order for everyone in our community to share a meal we must have a wheat free, dairy free, and meat free variation. Baked potatoes are good for that. 🙂 But generally when cooking for groups I try to make something cold I can prepare ahead of time, something that I can cook in the oven and something that uses a stove top… So in the case of Chicken Parmesan I would make a green salad and stick in the fridge, prep the chicken and put in the oven, and then boil pasta on top, and set the table while that's boiling. Does that help? [And with kids coming I'd keep some pasta separate for those kids that only eat "buttered noodles."]

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