April, Thus Far

So the Avs ended up missing the playoffs by one point. Who could have guessed Edmonton would have helped them out? We almost didn’t tune in for the last game of the season, and it was a doozy. The Avs smoked the Flames, it was awesome. We won’t bother watching the playoffs, we’ll just hope the Red Wings knock Calgary out early.

It snowed Easter Sunday, so we hid eggs in the front room for Elijah to find. It was the cutest thing ever!

My in-laws are coming to visit next week. It’ll be wonderful to have company. I hope the weather is nice for them. But they’re just happy enough to spend time with the boys. Oh and us too.

We’ve decided not to participate in the Cherry Creek Sneak this year. We’re okay with that, maybe we’ll do it next year. I am looking forward to cheering Geoff on at the Bolder Boulder in May. I want to try and find a cowbell to bring along. Not only do I get to cheer for Geoff, but the whole Joneses family are doing the race too. You know the Joneses, they have us over every Thanksgiving.

I’ll close with a quote from Payback.

Fairfax: No, no, it’s all right, he’s just killing my alligator bags and shooting holes in my suits. Man, that’s just MEAN. That’s MEAN, man.

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