Honey’s Post-Vet Pictures

Photos of Honey are available here.

No big plans for the weekend. It’s Friday, so tonight we’ll watch Monk. I was able to catch up on some correspondence this week, which makes me feel much less guilty. I didn’t get as much as I would have liked, but c’est la vie. Colin went on a job interview, which is good news. Pray that he lands a job soon and one that he enjoys.

Today I slept in and it felt great. Honey was in a much better mood today, though she did sneak some food last night off the counter. The vet office told us not to feed her more than a few teaspoons of food last night, as she’s still recovering, and that today she could go back to normal. Obviously Honey was way too hungry to wait. Now I feel bad as maybe I should have asked more questions. I miss Dr. Jen. 🙁 But as stated in an earlier post, Irvine is too far to drive for a vet appt.

Geoff thinks it’s crazy that so many people he knows have blogs. He claims he had one before they were hip to have them. He also says I misrepresented myself in the blog post about how I kicked butt at bowling. Fact: I did win that game. Fact not mentioned: Geoff was in the lead up until the last few frames, until I came from behind with a series of strikes. There, are you happy now Geoff? 😉

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention…Easily Amused is playing Edmonton on their tour! And it coincides with my visit! Yay! They are playing the Sidetrack Cafe on March 16, 9pm. Tickets are $7. I plan on being there, and anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome. Come enjoy an evening of great music and fellowship with Melissa.

I’m closing with a quote from Pretty In Pink.

Duckie: Blane? His name is Blane? That’s a major appliance, that’s not a name!

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