Homeward Bound

We are leaving Victoria today to head back to Denver. I am still sick, but I think I may be getting better, though it certainly doesn’t feel that way. I will likely call my boss tonight and ask to take tomorrow off as a sick day. I’m still coughing far too much to be able to be in public. I’m sure I will be very miserable for the flights.

I can’t believe we were able to fit everything into our suitcases! It’s a very tight squeeze, and I tried to pack light on the way here. Most Christmas visits require us to mail home a package, so I guess we’re ahead of the game.

It feels weird to think that next week will be the new year. I know 2005 is going to hold so much, and hopefully less travel than this year did. If I’m lucky enough, I’d like there to be only 2 trips in 2005, one to Edmonton, and one to California. But time & money will tell.

Well, I have to go hack up a lung. I’ll write again tomorrow. Pray for safe travel, and better health for me.

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