
Sigh. Daylight Savings sucks. I hate missing an hour of sleep. 🙂 But it is nice to have it still be light outside at 6pm.

I had a good weekend. Saturday the boys had swimming, and I was able to do some shopping. Bought the other part of Geoff’s gift from Elijah and some Rubbermaid bins to store the clothes Elijah has outgrown. Then we had our bbq Saturday night. The house seemed full with 3 girls running around, and Elijah following them. The ice cream cake was excellent, I forgot how much I love Dairy Queen’s cakes. Sunday I worked in the nursery at church, and afterwards Chad & Khara came over and we got chinese takeout. Now that we’ve tried someplace (it was okay) we should try a different place.

Last night we watched a special on one of the HD channels, it was Jeremy Piven’s Journey Of A Lifetime. He traveled to India, because he loves their culture and had never been. It was cool, and part two airs next week. It’s premiering tonight on the Travel Channel (in case you don’t get DHDTV). Geoff says he’ll watch almost anything if it airs in HD.

I ordered Mulan with my amazon gift certificate. I’ve been wanting to get it on DVD for a few years, and finally decided to do it. It’s probably my favorite non-Pixar Disney flick. I hope it’s a movie Elijah will enjoy when he’s older.

Went to Peet’s today for free coffee. They are actually offering free coffee or tea every day this month between 1-3pm. Get yourselves to a Peet’s! (note to my CA friends, Peet’s is in Newport Beach, across from the big library and Fashion Island)

I’ll close now with a quote from Serendipity.

Dean: Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather it’s a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan.

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