Waiting, And Waiting…

This is the longest month ever! I want it to be Christmas now! Thankfully the urge to shop is gone, mostly because everything has been wrapped, and I don’t want to wrap anymore. Now I can be bothered by whether or not shipped gifts arrive on time.

We’ve had a little snow come in this week (Tuesday & Friday) , and we might get a little more on Friday. Nana & Grampy arrive Thursday night. So we’re all looking forward to that.

Friday night Ali & Kevin came over. Ali needed a sous-chef for her Christmas baking project. No, not me, Geoff. Let me tell you, it was pretty hard to let her leave with that treat, especially since the whole house now smelled like it. Since I don’t know if it’s a surprise to her family, I won’t say what it was publicly.

Oh, also on Friday night, we had Jim ‘N Nick’s. Let me say again how much they rock! Our loyalty there has never been more rewarded. We did drive-thru, and when we got home, we discovered part of our order was missing. We did check the bag before we drove off, but all we did was count the boxes. It was snowing, and we didn’t really want to go back out in it. So I called them, thinking they’d offer to credit my credit card. Instead, they sent a chef to our door with the food, plus some extra food. And they kept apologizing. This company sure goes above & beyond let me tell you. I wish JNN were everywhere so you could all enjoy it.

Yesterday we went out to get a real tree, and wow it sure looks awesome.

Then we decorated it (more pics are on shutterfly). Eliajh pretty much hung all the ornaments I gave him on one little section of the tree. It’s kind of cute. We have put a few presents that have come in the mail under the fake tree. Elijah has organized them by wrapping paper.

I’ll close with a quote from Scrooged.

Props man: I can’t get the antlers glued to this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don’t work.
Frank Cross: Did you try staples?

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