That Thing I Do

Don’t have much to say. Just letting you all know I’m just doing what I do, and nothing too exciting is going on. Trying to raise good kids, trying to be a good wife, and just taking care of every day things.

I’m glad July is over, I’m waiting for Fall and cooler weather. That will mean more walks. I’ve been able to get out to the gym once a week. I don’t use that time to solve my problems, but rather to shut them out for a while and just think about me. I’m feeling pretty good (albeit tired) and my weight is excellent. Now I need to maintain and tone.

I’ve contacted Cate about helping me with a project. I won’t reveal anything, you’ll have to see the finished project once I post it. And I will probably start on Miles’ stocking soon.

We watched The Pursuit Of Happyness last night. Geoff said it was depressing. True it was a sad movie, but I walked away from it feeling blessed, and thinking I need to appreciate how lucky I am.

I’m going to close with a quote from Hitch.

Hitch: When your wondering what to say, or how you look… just remember… she is already out with you. That means, she said yes, when she could’ve said no. That means she made a plan… when she could’ve just blown you off. So that means it is no longer you job to make her like you… It’s your job NOT TO MESS IT UP

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