
I’m feeling tired, and a little stressed. I’ve got some stuff weighing on my mind, but I’m not in a position to deal with it right now. But given what other people I know are going through, it’s small potatoes. I’m going to pray for clarity, and for rest.

Last night I went to the Trails, and got on the elliptical for 20 minutes, burned 170 calories. Not nearly enough to work off the Fatburger we had for dinner. Heck my chocolate milkshake is 880 calories. But the meal was fantastic. 🙂 The point is, I got off my butt and went to the gym. Now I need an iPod to make going to the gym more fun.

Speaking of music, the new Michael Bublé album comes out May 1, and iTunes released the first single Everything on Tuesday. It’s not bad, it’s more pop than jazz. We’ll have to see what the rest of the album sounds like. If iTunes was offering me the chance to pre-order the album, I would have bought the single that day.

Nothing else is going on. Just same old stuff. Trying to keep on top of my correspondence, and trying to sleep as much as possible. I’m gonna close with a quote from last night’s episode of Lost.

Locke: The man from Tallahassee? Is that a code?
Ben: No, John. Unfortunately, we don’t have a code for “there’s a man in the closet with a gun to my daughter’s head.” But apparently we should.

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