
So what did you do this weekend? Me, I spent the weekend taking care of a sick little boy. We were able to get in some time in the pool, but mostly we spent time indoors relaxing. I got plenty of napping done.

I’ve been working on reading a book for the last 3 weeks. It’s been slow going, despite the fact that the chapters are short. It’s due back at the library next week, I’m on page 35, and it has 426 pages. If I get really into it, I’ll just put it on my wishlist or find a copy of it at the second hand bookstore near our house. Oh, the book is Watership Down.

What else is going on in my little world? Not much. Found out that Mom To Mom has been cancelled for next year. I guess I’ll try to find a bible study, or I’ll try and take a class. Something to get me out of the house once a week. I’m considering taking an aqua aerobics class, a dance class will wait until after the baby.

I have no plans for this week, just helping Elijah to recover. Hopefully by the end of the week, we’ll be able to meet up with Amy & Caley. We may go to the mountains with them next weekend.

I’ll close with a quote from Animal House.

Dean Vernon Wormer: Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

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