I’m sad Cate & Kaisara are gone. It was a wonderful, lovely visit, and too short. Left us wanting more. We never made it down to Garden Of The Gods, but we did go to Castle Rock and Boulder. Pictures from their visit are up on shutterfly, and I’m sure Cate will get pictures up soon too. I miss them, but we’ll see them again in a few months. Now I have a small reprieve before Athena & Stephanie come.
Have a few things going on this week. Thursday I have my doctor appt, Saturday Geoff has a men’s group meeting and then I am going stampin’. We’ll be making Christmas cards. Probably not enough for all the cards I send out, so I may have to find time to make some on my own.
House was fantastic last night, I can’t remember the last time I laughed out loud that much watching it. I need to get seasons one & two on DVD.
I read that Jim Carrey & Steve Carell are (sort of) reuniting in an animated version of Horton Hears A Who. It’ll be interesting to see. I don’t think I’ve read that book. Isn’t that odd?
Well, I’m going to sign off. I’ll close with a quote from last night’s House.
House: “Why don’t I have high-def in my office? I’m a department head.”