Oh My

I will try to move my archives over to this blog soon.  It’s just an overwhelming thought, and I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a big job.

I’m also trying not to be overwhelmed by the ministry I got roped into leading. I felt that the church needed it, and with no one else stepping up to do it, I had to say I would.  My goal is to develop a team of people to work alongside me.

The last two weeks in bible study (Beth Moore’s lecture series on the book of Revelation) have totally blown my mind.  I’ve discover things I never thought about, and it’s made me realize I need to prioritize.

I was watching the news the other day and a woman who had lost her husband said, He was my whole world.  And while I love Geoff, he isn’t my whole world.  And he shouldn’t be, God should be.  Either God comes first, or I’m replacing him with something else.  It’s been weighing on my mind.  Because I want to be there, but I’m not. Thankfully God doesn’t leave us where we are, He molds us into who He needs us to be.

So I’m allowing myself to be a little overwhelmed with ministry, because it will stretch me, and hopefully mold me into the servant He needs to help His people.  But I do need prayer, because I feel vulnerable to attack.

That’s where I’m at right now.

(Apologies to my husband and other grammer nerds: I’m probably still using two spaces between sentences. Old habits die hard)

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