Last night Morton’s Steakhouse in downtown Denver was overrun by the Mile High Mamas. I made my second appearance in as many weeks to a blogger event. Look out social calendar!
Seventh Generation donated some samples for us to try and let us know about the upcoming Million Baby Crawl on November 18. Their goal is to pass a law that will update regulation of toxic chemicals. While my “babies” aren’t crawling anymore, I do believe we need to keep our kids safe. I try to buy products now with the environment and my kids in mind. These moms all felt the same way.
I won’t be able to attend the “crawl” here in Denver, but I have shown my support on their website
As for the samples, they are going to make a great addition to our camping supplies. And Morton’s- the food was wonderful. I especially enjoyed the filet mignon sandwiches with mustard mayonnaise. Delicious!
Thanks Mile High Mamas!
I so want one of those sandwiches!!!