Don’t Get Your Hopes Up…

But Geoff’s friend Erich is getting married and extended an invite to us. The wedding is in La Jolla/San Diego, and it’s in October. We’d love to go, but we’re still trying to figure out if it is feasible. Obviously it would be a short trip, but the lure of being back in California has set our hearts a-flutter. As soon as something has been decided, I’ll let you know. I do think Geoff will go, even if we all don’t.

Our friend Roland is embarking on a road trip from Arizona, and is going to crash with us one night this week. It will be nice to have company. We haven’t seen him since Chris & Ashley’s wedding in 2004.

Friday I went to the gym and put both the boys in the daycare there. They seemed fine when I came to get them, so I’m thrilled to have that option during the day. Elijah wanted to play in the pool, so Sunday we went swimming as a family. It was surprisingly empty, which was wonderful.

Got some ideas of what I’d like to do this week and on the upcoming weekend but as always we’ll see how it plays out. The boys are always better after they nap, so I have to be flexible.

Watched some Warren Miller film this weekend (I think it was Higher Ground), and Geoff thought this quote was funny, so I’ll close with that.

“Warm beer is infinitely cooler than no beer”

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