A Bunch Of Random Things

As previously posted, we had a good time throwing our first party in the new digs. Wyoming people know how to party, they stayed from 3-10. We even played two rounds of Shout About Movies. We still have some food left over.

I dreamt last night that Jen & Greg, and Cate & Kaisara all bought a house together here in Colorado, right near us. Sigh, that was a good dream. 🙂

It’s gotten colder here, there’s been a strong wind blowing for days. There’s no snow yet, but I’m sure it’s around the corner. With a chill in the air, it makes me want to decorate the house for Christmas.

We got a great turkey for Thanksgiving, a 14 pounder and it was only like $6! We also got an invite from the Jones’ to join them for Thanksgiving. I totally want to go, I love being at their house.

Zach Braff has posted a video post on his blog. It’s interesting to get his perspective on stuff.

On Demand has one episode of Robot Chicken, so we watched it. It was hilarious, as usual. It was about how all the members of N*Sync were murdered, except for Joey Fatone, so he has to avenge their death in a martial arts match. If you haven’t had the chance to see Robot Chicken, you have to find it!

Penn & Teller’s special on tv last night has prompted Geoff to declare we’ll go see their show in Vegas on the next trip. He is desperate to get back to Vegas, and I’d like to have people meet us there. If you are interested, email me. Maybe we can swing it.

No big plans for this week. I’ll close with a quote from that episode of Robot Chicken.

Britney Spears: [in a death-match against Joey Fatone] Wait a second! Meet my homegirls – Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Simpson’s sister…
Ashlee Simpson: I’m Ashlee!
Britney Spears: [sighs in frustration] Sh! The big kids are talkin’!

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