My mother in law, Diane, sends out a Christmas letter every year. I don’t know when she started hers, but I was inspired to do it the first year we moved to California (I think). So it’s something I do, I write it, Geoff edits it.
I think it must have been the second or third year, my friend Cate asked for a copy. Wow, I’d never thought to send one locally. Now she sends one out too. Our letter goes out to family and friends, as well as work associates.
Ah, the art of Christmas letter writing. I wish I could say my letter is brilliant. But it probably reads a lot like my blog. I make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors, and I used to print a picture right on it. Now I send a picture Christmas card (yes, I’m one of those people. You would be too if your kids were this cute!)
Every year I browse online for tips on how to send out a letter that won’t suck. Didja know there are do’s and don’t’s? Well, there are. Here are some tips I’ve learned:
* keep it short
* don’t brag
* write about you & your immediate family (the exception is parents, who are allowed to write about their grown kids & grandkids)
This website has a lot of good stuff on it.
Anyways, our letter is nearly done, just need the editor to look it over. If you send out a letter, I’d like to read it. If you get my letter, and you’d rather not, I won’t be offended, let me know. It’ll save me some postage.
I’ll close with a quote from The Santa Clause.
Dr. Pete Novos: I don’t know, Scott. You’re as healthy as a horse.
Scott Calvin: Yeah! Clydesdale!
Dr. Pete Novos: So what? You put on a little weight.
Scott Calvin: Weight? Does this look like a little weight to you?
Dr. Pete Novos: Weight can fluctuate from year to year.
Dr. Pete Novos: Fluctuate? You make it sound like I’m retaining water. I’ve gained 45 pounds in a week. Pete, what’s happening to me?
Dr. Pete Novos: Well, what’s your diet like?
Scott Calvin: Milk and cookies.
Dr. Pete Novos: Really?
Scott Calvin: But I don’t finish all the milk.
Dr. Pete Novos: Well then there is your problem. Just try to cut back on the sweets, okay?