When Life Is Good

Life has been pretty S-W-E-E-T the last couple of days. I wanted to blog about it, so when things look sour, I can go back and read this.

I’m caught up on my blogs and I uploaded pictures from our visit with Nana & Great Grandma Joyce.

Miles has slept through the night the last two nights!

Geoff and I went on a date! For real! Geoff, Kevin, Ali and I went out to dinner at Bonefish Grill. Free meal! Yeah, I went to a seafood restaurant, and no I did not eat seafood. We laughed, we ate, we had a blast. Marian came over and babysat. We came home to two very tired but awake kids. They were asleep within ten minutes of us getting home.

I’m getting in Christmas mode. I have my first draft of the Christmas letter ready. We need to work on taking a family picture, and shopping still has to be done. Geoff says he’s not ready for Christmas music yet, so I listen to it when he’s not here. 🙂 Elijah asks every week when we can put up the tree.

I’m going to close with a quote from Elf.

Emily: We can’t just throw him out in the snow.
Walter: Why not? He loves the snow. He’s told me 15 times.

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