Happy Holidays

Christmas Day was pretty good at Casa Armstrong. I was up early, and Geoff and I opened our stockings. We finished up and had some breakfast and coffee. Elijah got up shortly after that around 7:40 and he had some breakfast too. Homemade cinnamon buns (or as Elijah calls them “bums”). Then we set in for our session of gift opening. Elijah had fun, but after a while, he was getting tired of opening gifts. At one point we gave him a present to open and it put it right in the trash bag. He did seem to like most of his gifts, but I think it may have been a little overwhelming for him. Next year, we’ll just let him open what he wants, and save the rest for later. But we all got some good stuff!

By 9:30am, I was ready for a nap. I felt exhausted and looking at Elijah’s pile of books and toys had me worried. Thankfully Geoff took care of tidying up after Christmas, so the house seemed back to normal. That in itself made me feel so much better.

We took a walk around the neighborhood after lunch, since it was a beautiful sunny day. We found the best exit route for Geoff to get to work today. We then spent the rest of the day hanging around the house. We had a yummy ham for dinner, and just continued to reflect on how blessed we are.

Now for the fun news. We’re getting another snow storm coming. When? Thursday. When am I flying to CA? Thursday. Please please pray that we can get to and from the airport with ease, and that I won’t encounter any problems.

So had this storm not hit, I’d be out shopping today. As it is, I’ll be home. Geoff will go into work for a few hours to do essential magnet stuff, and then he’ll hit the Trails to get in some exercise.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I’ll close with a quote from A Christmas Story.

Mr. Parker: Where’s the glue?
Mother: We’re out of glue.
Mr. Parker: You used up all the glue on purpose!

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