Don’t really have anything concrete to write about, but felt I should touch base with y’all.
Summer feels like it has arrived in Colorado. Elijah will complete preschool in two weeks. He is eager to start kindergarten, as much as Miles is eager to start preschool. It’s no wonder they don’t just live for today, their mother is constantly looking ahead!
We were lucky enough to check out the Children’s Museum last week (write up on Mile High Mamas). They have a new exhibit on bubbles, and with free passes I got on Twitter, we can go back a few times this summer and play again.
The boys got a new sandbox in the backyard, which has been a huge blessing to me (and them too). It allows me to find some quiet time, and it allows them to get creative.
I have started my gardening projects for the summer, another tomato plant and some green beans.
Lola 2
Now you are up to date. Hoping to sneak in a quick camping trip before the bigger one with the inlaws at the end of June.
Now get outside and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Lola 2 is lovely! I can wait to see your beautiful garden box sprouting to life. Mine went crazy this year with volunteer tomatoes (i'm supposing from my compost soil).
Miss you. Now I'm off to try to write a post.