State Of Confusion

I feel like I’m on the outside of a whirlwind, watching things swirl before me, and I’m trying to make sense of it. Let me assure you, I’m okay, there is just a flurry of oddness, and I am not in it but on the outside.

My 2nd dr appt turned out alright, I have one more, and I really hope I can get some answers. So far as anyone can tell, everything looks normal. The question remains, why is my body acting so weird.

A friend of mine is going through a hard time, and while I have no details, my heart is breaking for her. I can only pray God brings her through this so much stronger than before, and that he will protect her & her family. When I saw her the other day, I thought I might cry, because I felt like I could feel her sadness, just by hugging her.

The exodus from our church continues, and I am not ready to jump ship along with them yet. But it makes me sad. While Creekside has never been what Woodbridge was to me, Creekside has still been a blessing. I just want to see my church thrive.

As summer draws to a close, I hope we can get out one more time and explore someplace new in Colorado. This weekend, I will be jaunting off with my mom (in town for a few days) to Estes Park & Boulder, leaving the boys behind. We have no plans for Labor Day weekend, so I’m on a mission to find something.

I wanna say, remaking Ghostbusters (which is already a flippin’ awesome movie) is a bad idea! Especially when you throw in crappy actors. I just shake my head.

I’m going to close with a quote from Futurama, where we got our nicknames for the boys, Wingus & Dingus.

Brannigan: “Leela! My sweet. I’ve come to save you! I have a devious plan.”
Leela: “Oh, great… Captain Moron has a plan. Why don’t you tell it to Wingus and Dingus here?”
Brannigan: *turns to Bender & Fry* “Wingus, Dingus, listen up. We’re going to give the aliens the ol’ switcheroo.”
Fry: “You mean…”
Brannigan: “Correct! I’ve found a giant hideous ape that looks exactly like Leela.”

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