“You say it’s your birthday
Well it’s my birthday too–yeah
You say it’s your birthday
We’re gonna have a good time
I’m glad it’s your birthday
Happy birthday to you.”
Hee Hee. It’s my birthday. 🙂
This is how I see the day ahead: church, doing laundry (hey, it has to be done), receiving phone calls, and dinner at the Bull & Bush. Geoffrey gave me a beautiful garnet cross necklace and the book Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti. Kelly sent me a gift certificate for Barnes & Noble which is just up the road (thanks Kelly!). Meghan & Mike gave me a Get Fuzzy calendar that I love! Glen & Diane gave me the book How To Be A Canadian (Even If You Already Are One). It’s hysterical.
We had the chocolate cake last night, and it didn’t look like Tyler’s but it sure was tasty.
So this is 27. Wow. Feels weird, and will take some getting used to.
I got an email from Amazon.com that they are finally releasing The Last Unicorn on DVD (March 2004). I had to email Kelly to tell her as we watched it ALL THE TIME at her house when we were kids. The Last Unicorn & Amadeus. 🙂 My Uncle Barry would always quote the movie while we were watching it, and did a great impression of the Skull.
Skull: The way is through the clock.
Schmendrick: Through that?
Molly: You mean, when the clock strikes the right time it opens, and there’s a secret stair?
Skull: That clock will never strike the right time, you just walk through it and the Red Bull is on the other side. Give Me the Wine.
Schmendrick: Walk through a clock? What am I, a magician?