Sometimes I Make My Life More Stressed…

And sometimes others do it for me.

I can be such a hypocrite at times, it’s so disappointing. I have been procrastinating sending an email for well over a year, and I finally got around to typing it. I still haven’t sent it, I am in the process of forcing people I love to proofread it first. So while I am not sending off an email telling someone how I really feel, I get worked up over someone not communicating to me followed by them lashing out at me. Now one of these situations has been resolved (at least I think so) so I don’t have that stress. But I still have this drafted email to send. I often go on about the beauty of not living near family, and in this situation it is a blessing. It allows me to tell this person how I feel without having to do it to their face. I know, “Confrontational Melissa” doesn’t tell someone what she thinks to their face? But it’s true. What can I say, relationships are complicated. But the other situation could have been avoided had we live near family. At least I hope that would be the case.

I don’t want to go into that anymore. Let’s talk about something else. Lisa, Brooke & Laurel were on The Big Breakfast Wednesday morning, showing off their bowling (and coaching) skills. Lisa is offering to throw me a baby shower when I get to Edmonton this spring, which would be a hoot. I sure miss having Lisa around. Thank goodness for AIM and phone calls!

We asked Paula & Simon to feed Honey on Saturday while we jaunt off to the mountains. Simon is having surgery today, so he wasn’t able to go to Vegas, as he had planned. Geoff was hoping to get Simon to bet on the Pats for him. They set a date for their wedding (November 5), and we have offered to watch the cats while they are gone. They are getting married in Cabo, with family & friends traveling there to witness it. They said they’ll likely honeymoon there too. We’re more than happy to look in on Gary, Monkey, and O.J., since they’ve been nice enough to watch Honey. Plus, I don’t anticipate doing any traveling at that time. I want to get all our trips done this spring & summer.

I just have some chores on my plate today, laundry, dishes, making a list of what to bring this weekend. I may try to talk Geoff into a trip to Harry & David to get some Moose Munch for the drive home from Copper. Yeah, twist his rubber arm. For those who haven’t tasted the goodness that is Moose Munch, it’s caramel popcorn with almonds and cashews. You can get it with milk chocolate or dark chocolate (either partially covered or totally covered), or with white chocolate and macadamia nuts. You can even get it sugar free, or peanut butter flavored. For Fall/Thanksgiving they had maple/walnut flavor (which sold out really fast) and at Christmas it came peppermint flavored (yummy). They even offer Moose Munch flavored coffee. Glen is addicted to the Moose Munch Bar, “caramel popcorn confection, folded into our smooth chocolate truffle fondant with whole almonds, cashews and toffee bits รขโ‚ฌโ€œ then drenched in sweet milk chocolate or elegant dark chocolate.” I must say, I love that I’m considered “laid off”, it means I still get a staff discount. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, that’s all from me. Have a good weekend. I’ll close with a quote from The Simpsons.

Groundskeeper Willie: It won’t last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!

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