Missing Papa

I felt like I should blog today. I don’t quite know what to say, so I will post a letter I wrote to Colin & Dawn.

Hey. So, it was a year ago today, when everything

changed. I can remember the day so clearly, every

step, every phone call, every emotion I felt. There

are times when I forget he’s gone, and I think I

should call him. Then the moment passes, and it feels

like he’s been gone forever. I wonder if I’ll forget

the sound of his voice, the way he laughed, his smile.

What I love about Dad is how he never judged us. He

accepted the decisions we made, and supported us any

way he could. He may not have always said how he

felt, but it was in his actions.

I hope we will always be able to share with each other

stories about Dad, to keep his memory alive. There is

so much of Dad in you Colin, I know you hear that a

lot, but you have all of his good traits. His

generosity, his sense of humor, his compassion for

other people, and the ability to bring out “The Claw”

when needed. 🙂

I love you guys, and I’m thinking of you today.

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