September Already

Heavens, I can hardly believe how quickly time goes by. Especially since not much is happening. Yesterday Shannon, Kaylynn and I went for a picnic lunch in the park. It was very hot yesterday, reaching 90 degrees Fahrenheit. We sat in the shade, and I made sure I put on sunscreen. Shannon says the pregnancy will go fast, to savor the slow moments.

Dylan and Laurel start school next week. I don’t remember anything about kindergarten, but I’ll assume it’s fun. I have this feeling of wanting to buy school supplies. “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address”( Joe Fox). I honestly like going into Office Depot and looking around. I see all the things I could buy to organize my house, or even better Jeff’s office at the museum. It’s scary, if you get the chance to see it.

Scrubs was pretty good on Tuesday. I can’t really form an opinion of Heather Graham’s performance, but I can probably deal with it, knowing she’s only on for another 7 episodes. It’s better than last season having Tara Reid. I had a Scrubs dream the other night, and in my dream, I was ready to kick Tara’s butt, but she backed off. Don’t ask, I just have weird dreams.

I saw a funeral procession on Wednesday. You don’t see those very often, and I myself think I’ve only been in two. When my grandpa died, I think we had one, and the last time was when Rory’s dad died. This one on Wednesday had police escorts, to make sure no one broke it up in the intersections.

Gee, not much else is going on. I have the sweetest fella in the world. Surprised me with roses yesterday. 🙂 A treat usually reserved for our anniversary, so I was very surprised. In return, I made cupcakes last night. Well, we both made them. Only a few more months of alone time, so we’re trying to get in these little dates. Like going out to Johnny Rockets for dinner.

8 days until Heather is here!

I’m going to close with a quote from Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

Nun: Miss Stone, there is a time and a place for calypso music!

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