Is It November Yet?

I’m so tired of election ads and election talk, and I just want it to be done. I don’t need to tell you who I’m supporting, and should it go the other way, you better believe I’ll be praying for the President to be making good decisions. I don’t have to like him, but I can pray for the decisions he’ll make.

I was very impressed to have Canada excel past the medal goal I set for them. I figured we’d get 10, and we got 12. Not a bad year, and medals in events we’ve never had before.

Not much else is going on. I had a weird dream that T.D. Baker had a anniversary to celebrate how many years it had been opened, and they wanted the first graduating class there. Everyone looked the same, like no time had passed, and I mostly hung out with my friend Candy. I told you it was weird.

Heather booked her trip and she’ll be here in 12 days! Whee! October brings a visit from the Armstrongs, and November brings Rod. And then it’s practically Christmas. I actually listened to a Christmas song last week. 🙂 I was in the mood for it. I’d say I’m out of control, but I have no Christmas shopping done yet, so I’m okay.

Tomorrow is the Scrubs season premiere. Yeah! I’m leery about the 8 episode guest appearance of Heather Graham, but we’ll see how it goes. I don’t know if I’ll adopt any new shows, I usually end up getting my heart broken. I may tune into Joey, it did get some good early buzz, which I was surprised by.

We’re having Brad, Fiona and Robin over for a BBQ on Saturday, but other than that, no plans for Labor Day.

I guess I’ll close with quote from Mallrats.

Shannon Hamilton: I have no respect for people with no shopping agenda.

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