Time To Breathe
I have a few free minutes, so I thought I’d blog. Busy day at work, but it was also a great day. I enjoyed working with everyone I met today, which is rare. I may consider Tuesdays for the future.
Called the doctor’s office, and hours later, they called me back. Here are the results of my glucose test. Before I drank the orange drink, I was at 99. 2 hours later, I was at 78. So obviously no problems with my glucose tolerance, and no signs of Diabetes. (Since Grandma had it, I always wondered if I was at risk.) So tomorrow I start my drug to treat my PCOS. I also spoke to a very informative nurse, who shared plenty of information, and we went over it twice. I appreciate being able to understand what the steps are. 🙂
Nothing else is going on. I want to get on organizing the stuff I want to do in Glasgow, as well as work on a packing list. There is a Shakespeare Festival in the Botanical Gardens I hope to get tickets to if we can. Luckily enough, “that Scottish play” is one of two playing while we’re there. I think it’s very apropos given the affectionate nickname Diane has.
I better go, I have to find something to take for lunch tomorrow. I’m closing with a quote from Goldeneye.
Valentin Dmitrovitch Zukovsky: He wants to ask ME for a favor! My knee aches every single day! Twice as bad when it is cold. Do you have any idea how long the winter lasts in this country? Tell him, Dmitri.
Dmitri: Well, it depends…
Valentin Dmitrovitch Zukovsky: SILENCE!