Lisa leaves on vacation tomorrow, and I’m trying to help her stay in a positive frame of mind amidst her sister being selfish. Sigh, I will be praying for Lisa & Chad on this trip and hoping they can enjoy themselves.
Ryan (KUCI alumni and former co-host) is in Japan teaching English. He says it’s super hot & humid there. He does enjoy being there, which is cool. I enjoy learning about what he is doing by asking a lot of questions.
I don’t really care if I ever see Japan (sorry), but Geoff would like to go someday. I just worry I would never find anything to eat. Or worse that Geoff would be deprived of eating all he wants to eat. Can you do a cruise of Japan? So I could always retreat to the boat for food? Rod would know. I’ll ask him.
This last week was the one year anniversary of our Scotland trip. It’s been lovely to think back on the good stuff, look at the pretty pictures, and reread what we did. I’ve overlooked all the stupid travel problems. I really feel in my heart that there will come a time we’ll get to go again. Many many years down the road.
I’ll close now with a quote from Forget Paris.
Mickey: You just had one of those ‘I glued a bird to my head’ days.