The Boys

Figured I was due to update on the boys. Especially since this is an actual source for people to hear things.


Preschool going well, and I really hope once he turns 4 next month, we’ll be passed the horrible threes. Those are way worse than the terrible twos. We’re continuing to work with him at home with his speech. Ms. Trish sends home updates every week, things we need to follow up on.

He is celebrating Culture Day on Feb 1st, and I’m tasked with making a poster about Canada. Wanted to prepare a Canadian treat, but we don’t have the snow required for that. May try to convince Geoff to make butter tarts instead.


He still enjoys Kindergarten, and continues to thrive. His teacher, Mr. C, has asked Elijah to play a major role in the Kindie play in February. It took some convincing to get Elijah to say yes, as he had some concerns. Namely that he didn’t want to be the villain, and he was worried kids would laugh at him. They are performing The 3 Piggies Opera, and Elijah is the Big Bad Wolf. He seems to be over his issues, and has his lines memorized.

Other than a 24 hr bug last week, both kids are healthy & doing well. They have been planning their birthday party since November, and have their hearts set on doing a Pirate theme again. If you were thinking of sending a gift, please- no toys. They received so many at Christmas, I’d rather we didn’t add more. Books, movies, games, gift certificates are all good ideas. I’m trying to add those items to their Amazon wishlists to help you.

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