Nothing To Say

I feel like I’m neglecting my blog, but I really don’t have anything to say. I’m just dawdling along in my world, trying to stay sane, whilst I spend my day with two very active toddlers. I thank God we don’t have more kids, because some days I feel so stressed.

I have some things I’d like to do this year, and wondering where I will find money for those, as well as the huge goal of saving for DisneyWorld. Add to that, we still have bills to pay, and that pesky green card application…

On a sunnier note, we’re taking a trip up to Ft Collins for Geoff’s race on Sunday. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Colorado. And watching Geoff run is exciting. I hope to amuse the kids while we wait for the finish (and hopefully his BQ). We’re going to have to take 2 cars, since I don’t love Geoff enough to get up at 4am to drive him to the race. 🙂

ABC is going to air the last few episodes of Eli Stone this summer. I’m pretty bummed that a great show like that wasn’t more popular. I did discover a new show on the Science channel, Mantracker. It’s a Canadian show (been airing there since 2006). Even Elijah will watch it.

So that’s all that is going on. I’m pretty much content and stressed, and missing my family. I haven’t seen my mom since August, and likely won’t see her until January. I don’t even know when I’ll see my brother. Right now, I’m hoping to see Kelly sometime this year. 🙂

I will close with a quote from Amadeus.

Salieri: I will speak for you, Father. I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint.

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